Funü zazhi
No. 006 (01 June, 1931)
Page: 092 (154 total)

檀香山的職業婦女 - Professional women in Honolulu

Column title: 婦女談藪 - Public discussion on women
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: sports, America, saving money, schools, Japan, business, commerce, trade, China, cooking, culinary arts, women's occupation, outdoor activities, professional women, female students, song, clothing, costume, dress,

仲華 zhong hua (Author)

柏林的婦女創作展覽會 - The exhibition of creative women in Berlin

Column title: 婦女談藪 - Public discussion on women
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: music, advertisement, art, dance, theatre, arts and crafts, foreign women, schools, society, Germany, Library, Literature, fiction, poetry ,

仲華 zhong hua (Author)