Keywords assignment
Germany (德國, Deguo) 100 entries |
德國風俗記 (續) - Report on German customs (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 1 no. 6 (1915), p. 143 |
歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相(續四卷九號) - The truth of WWI and the belligerent countries' women (continued from vol. 4 issue 9) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 93 |
歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相(續) - The truth of WWI and the belligerent countries' women (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 12 (1918), p. 89 |
德人近來之生活狀況 - The recent livelihood of Germans article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 9 (1919), p. 89 |
世界新智識 - The world's new knowledge article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 9 (1919), p. 144 |
兒童領地/ 德人的迷信 - Children's territory/ The superstition of Germans article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 4 (1920), p. 156 |
兒童領地/ 猛獸的厄運 - Children's territory/ The tragedy of beasts article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 4 (1920), p. 156 |
飛行機的進步 - The development of the airplane article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 155 |
魔術博士 - The magician article: Funü zazhi vol. 7 no. 11 (1921), p. 83 |
福斯德博士的離婚反對論 - Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster's discourse against divorce article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 4 (1922), p. 80 |
德國婦女在教育上的地位 - The status of women in Germany with respect to education article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 5 (1922), p. 71 |
德國之婦女參政權 (譯日本國家學會雜誌) - The political rights of women in Germany (Translated from a Japanese magazine) article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 7 (1922), p. 60 |
新德國的婦女生活 - The lives of women in the new Germany article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 8 (1922), p. 59 |
德國「新婦女」的要求 - The criteria for 'new women' in Germany article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 10 (1922), p. 86 |
德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 - German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 5 (1926), p. 79 |
小黑人 - The little black man article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 6 (1926), p. 150 |
愛與人生/ 這是一個難猜的謎兒 - Love and life/ This is a riddle hard to guess article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 52 |
德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 - German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 83 |
諺語 - Proverbs article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 175 |
德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 - German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 9 (1926), p. 93 |
德國蔡司廠新製銀罩返光燈 - German Zeiss factory s new silver-cover, reflected-light lamps advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 11 (1926), p. 71 |
公共衛生與經濟的關係 - The relationship between public health and economy article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 11 (1926), p. 77 |
么小的飛機 - Such a small airplane article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 12 (1926), p. 94 |
最新運到德國手提箱式複印機 - Newly arrived German suitcase styled printing machine advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 13 |
腰背疼痛德國拜耳阿斯匹靈 - Waist back pain German bayer aspirin advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 14 |
商務印書館發售最高尚的娛樂品 - Commercial Press is selling the most noble entertainment product advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 197 |
《東方雜誌》二十六卷第一號要目 - The Eastern Miscellany the contents of volume 26 issue 1 advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 230 |
「文學研究會叢書世界文學名著」商務印書館出版 - Book series of literature study association masterpieces of world literature commercial press advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 242 |
貧窮則志短/窮且益堅 - Poverty makes one less ambitious/poverty makes one strong article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 2 (1929), p. 69 |
世界各國的結婚風俗 - Wedding customs of different countries around the world article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 2 (1929), p. 84 |
德國政治上的婦女 - Women in German politics article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 3 (1931), p. 91 |
美國婦女參政的十年 - The ten years of American women's participation in politics article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 3 (1931), p. 93 |
柏林的婦女創作展覽會 - The exhibition of creative women in Berlin article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 6 (1931), p. 93 |
德國女子的冬季健身運動 - Women's winter body-building activities in Germany image: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 10 (1931), p. 10 |
德國女子的冬季健身運動 - Women's winter body-building activities in Germany image: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 10 (1931), p. 11 |
德國女童的家事訓練 - The trainings of German girls doing housework image: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 10 (1931), p. 12 |
德國女童的家事訓練 - The trainings of German girls doing housework image: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 10 (1931), p. 13 |
黑影亦為本人為此影乃德國攝影家開斯燈之新作風 - The black shadow is me as well. Because this is the new style of the German photographer, Kaisideng. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 26 |
她悲哀痛苦的時候,要拋棄一切不顧形骸.德國攝影傑作. - While she is in deep sorrow and pain, she should abandon everything without giving any thought to her appearance. German photograph masterpiece image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 8 (1931), p. 35 |
顧影自憐 - looking at ones reflection and admiring oneself image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 9 (1931), p. 35 |
性學博士演講速記 - A short note about the lecture held by the doctor of gender studies article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 10 (1931), p. 7 |
德國女子對於體育極為注重其身體之康健無與倫比吾國女子見此其能格外注意運動乎 - German women attach great importance to sports. Their bodily health is beyond comparison. Can women of our country pay extra attention to sports if they see this? image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 17 (1931), p. 20 |
德國女子對於體育極為注重其身體之康健無與倫比吾國女子見此其能格外注意運動乎 - German women attach great importance to sports. Their bodily health is beyond comparison. Can women of our country pay extra attention to sports if they see this? image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 17 (1931), p. 21 |
人們的統計 - Statistics of people article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 20 (1931), p. 16 |
卓別林的一番氣語 - Chaplin's angry remark article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 20 (1931), p. 31 |
德國女子,多半體態健美。蓋彼等多作戶外運動故也 - The posture of most of German women is healthy and beautiful. Because they often practise ourdoor sports image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 23 (1931), p. 15 |
(上)德國青年在草地上運動日與陽光為伍 - (Above) a sport day of German young people on the lawn, who make friends with sunshine image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 23 (1931), p. 16 |
德國男女老幼回到古代的生活 - German men and women, old and young return to the ancient [natural] life image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 23 (1931), p. 18 |
裸浴運動 — 空心輪轉遊戲.德國Egestorf地方裸體生活協會體育場内。裸體生活諸同志作輪轉遊戲之情形。一人嫌寂寞,...... 爲情。同性還可隨便,如果男女合在一起,那麽 ......久而久之,漸成習慣,二人,三人,四人,混在一起,既不怕羞,反覺司空見慣。 - The movement of naked bathing - a game of turning the hollow wheel. In the stadium of the local association of naked life in Egestorf, Germany image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 29 (1931), p. 20 |
裸浴運動 — 空心輪轉遊戲.德國Egestorf地方裸體生活協會體育場内。裸體生活諸同志作輪轉遊戲之情形。一人嫌寂寞,...... 爲情。同性還可隨便,如果男女合在一起,那麽 ......久而久之,漸成習慣,二人,三人,四人,混在一起,既不怕羞,反覺司空見慣。 - The movement of naked bathing - a game of turning the hollow wheel. In the stadium of the local association of naked life in Egestorf, Germany image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 29 (1931), p. 21 |