Keywords assignment
outdoor activities (戶外活動, hu wai huo dong) 48 entries |
蓮塘徜徉 - Boating in lotus pond image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 157 |
避暑時的經過/ 雨後釣魚 - Summer vacation/ Going fishing after rain article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 8 (1926), p. 56 |
勻稱與美 - Fitness and beauty article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 8 (1926), p. 80 |
檀香山的職業婦女 - Professional women in Honolulu article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 6 (1931), p. 92 |
跑到海濱去--高橋的幾幕:高橘海邊的沙灘來了幾位貴客 - Go to the beach--scenes in Gaoqiao: There are several important guests at the beach. image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 103 (1933), p. 29 |
跑到海濱去--高橋的幾幕:幾位練習游水的朋友 - Go to the beach--scenes in Gaoqiao: some friends are learning swimming. image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 103 (1933), p. 29 |
跑到海濱去--高橋的幾幕:一個孤舟在汪汪大海裡 - Go to the beach--scenes in Gaoqiao: a boat on the vast sea. image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 103 (1933), p. 29 |
智仁勇女校之陳瓶詩小姐 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 30 |
精音樂之盛言方女士 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 31 |
蘇州名媛王世麗女士在蘇州獅子林 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 32 |
湖畔之寫生女郎 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 33 |
柏叢中之任秀閣女士 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 33 |
由右至左蘇蕙瑛女士、孫寶瑛女士、陳善珍女士、何品貞女士、鄭倩如女士 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 35 |
本刊徵求姐妹們春遊之生活照片 - advertisement: Linglong vol. 4 no. 132 (1934), p. 36 |
濟南齊魯中學于素真女士 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 133 (1934), p. 2 |
北平女子文理學院劉孝珊女士 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 133 (1934), p. 2 |
園中花間閒坐為姐妹們春天絕妙之消遣,此乃陳女士於廣州之貿影 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 133 (1934), p. 20 |
冰雪為懷--雪地臥者為北平劉采珍女士 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 134 (1934), p. 1 |
北平北海之冬 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 134 (1934), p. 2 |
問汝何所嬉?橋下劉蘭影小姐 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 134 (1934), p. 2 |
長沙仁術醫院伍復初、唐佩蘭、李靜,三女士合影 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 134 (1934), p. 29 |
游戲 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 137 (1934), p. 2 |
曼英小姐 - Miss Manying image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 192 (1935), p. 1 |
〔...〕一新女士 - 〔...〕Ms. 〔...〕Yixin image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 192 (1935), p. 20 |
林茂森 - Lin Maosen image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 192 (1935), p. 39 |
[no caption] - [no caption] image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 192 (1935), p. 39 |
游罷 - Travel break image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 2 |
郝安妮女士 - Ms. Hao Anni image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 39 |
張文澍女士 - Ms. Zhang Wenshu image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 39 |
不勝其任 - Incapable image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 40 |
習舞 - Dancing image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 40 |
薛珊瑛女士 - Ms. Xue Shanying image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 42 |
王耐雲女士 - Ms. Wang Naiyun image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 196 (1935), p. 21 |
小妹妹口琴演奏 - Little girl playing the harmonica image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 196 (1935), p. 40 |
葉女士的兩位小朋友 - image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 216 (1935), p. 20 |
看誰跑得快? - image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 216 (1935), p. 20 |
騎馬 - image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 216 (1935), p. 21 |
夏令兒童健康營 - Summer healthy camp for children article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 245 (1936), p. 54 |
舞蹈遊戲 - The Dancing Game image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 278 (1937), p. 39 |
舞蹈遊戲 - The Dancing Game image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 278 (1937), p. 40 |
舞蹈遊戲 - The Dancing Game image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 278 (1937), p. 41 |
舞蹈遊戲 - The Dancing Game image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 278 (1937), p. 41 |
腰部運動 - Movement of the Waist image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 278 (1937), p. 42 |
今年的夏令營 - Summer Camps this year article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 10 |
公園小玩意之一 - 船戲 - One of the interesting things in park - Playing toy sailing image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 39 |
夏天的公園里 - 散步,談情 - Park in summer - Taking a walk or dating image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 40 |
夏天的公園里 - 散步,談情 - Park in summer - Taking a walk or dating image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 41 |
公園小玩意之一 - 玩沙 - One of the interesting things in park - Playing sand image: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 42 |