| 上元鄭谷口隸書小游仙詩 | "Wandering as a transcendent" written in clerical script by Zheng Gukou from Shangyuan |
 | 吳芝瑛夫人墨蹟 | Madame Wu Zhiying's calligraphy |
 | 驢背尋詩 | Looking for poetry on donkey's back |
 | 常熟淑琴女師範水彩畫成蹟 鴨頭選夢 | The achievement of watercolor painting of Shuqin female normal school in Changshu: Selecting dreams on ducks' heads |
 | 陳鴻璧女士畫花鳥 | Flower and bird painted by Ms. Chen Hongbi |
 | 愛讀本報者粵東蔡張傾城小影 | The picture of Cai Zhang Qingcheng from eastern Yue who likes this journal |
 | 杭縣徐新華女士畫山水 | Mountains and rivers painted by Ms. Xu Xinhua from Hang country |
 | 社說 | Editorial |
 | 學藝門 | Learning skills |
 | 家政門 | Home economics |
 | 第二次謎畫揭曉 | Answers to the second picture riddles contest |
 | 記述門 | Records |
 | 余日章先生教育演說第一圖 | Mr. Yu Rizhang's speech on education: the first figure |
 | 余日章先生教育演說第一圖 | Mr. Yu Rizhang's speech on education: the first figure |
 | 第二圖:六國教育比較 | The second figure: the comparision between six countries |
 | 第三圖 | The third figure |
 | 第四圖:甲種 | The fourth figure: type A |
 | 第四圖:乙種 | The fourth figure: type B |
 | 第五圖 | The fifth figure |
 | 第六圖:教育為國家基礎 | The sixth figure: eduaction is the foundation of a country |
 | 第六圖:教育為國家基礎 | The sixth figure: eduaction is the foundation of a country |
 | 第六圖:教育為國家基礎 | The sixth figure: eduaction is the foundation of a country |
 | 中外大事記 | Accounts of events in China and overseas |
 | 國文範作 | Model Chinese essays |
 | 文苑 | Literary garden |
 | 小說 | Fiction |
 | 餘興 | Sideshow |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次(六) | Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 6) |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次(五) | Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 5) |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次(四) | Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 4) |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次(三) | Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 3) |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次(二) | Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 2) |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次(一) | Reward offerred for the third painting riddles (No. 1) |
 | 襍俎 | Miscellaneous collection |
 | 餘興 | entertainment |
 | 浙江蘭溪西鄉廬山學校教員包啟新君夫人之玉照 | A photograph of the wife of Mr. Bao Qixin, a teacher of Lushan School in Xixiang, Lanxi, Zhejiang |