| 三色版精印女學生結絨圖 | A schoolgirl knits wool (three-coloured fine printed picture) |
| 南樓老人畫杜鵑花 | Azaleas painted by Old Man of South Mansion |
| 余省畫牡丹雙?圖 | Poeny and two? painted by Yu Xing |
| 文徵明草書真蹟 | A genuine Wen Zhenming's cursive writing |
| 避暑之勝景(一)江西百花洲之荷花池 | Wonderful scenery of summer resorts: a) the lotus pond in Baihua island, Jiangxi |
| 避暑之勝景(二)西湖韜光寺前之竹 | Wonderful scenery of summer resorts: b) bamboos in front of Tao guang temple, the West Lake |
| 避暑之勝景(三)日本大阪尻無川之暮帆落照 | Wonderful scenery of summer resorts: c) sails at sunset at dask on the Shirinashi River, Japan |
| 武進女師範學校附屬蒙養院攝影 | Photos of beadhouse affiliated to Wujin female normal school |
| 武進女師範學校附屬蒙養院攝影 | Photos of beadhouse affiliated to Wujin female normal school |
| 杭縣徐新華女士遺畫 | Posthumous painting by Ms. Xu Xinhua from Hang county |
| 社說 | Editorial |
| 學蓺門 | Learning skills |
| 家政門 | Home economics |
| 保抱兒童之注意第一圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 1 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第二圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 2 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第三圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 3 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第四圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 4 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第五圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 5 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第六圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 6 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第七圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 7 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第八圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 8 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第九圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 9 |
| 保抱兒童之注意第十圖 | Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 10 |
| 記述門 | Records |
| 沙魏村中販牛乳之二英女 | Two English women sold milk in ? villiage |
| 比國加來羅之女礦工 | Women miners in ?, Belgium |
| 法國兵工廠中製彈之女工 | Women workers produced shells in French arsenal |
| 德意志愛國之女子紛爭工作之圖 | The image of German patriotic women scrambling for job |
| 巴黎電車中之女賣票員 | A woman ticket seller in Paris' trolleybus |
| 倫敦之女屠夫 | A woman butcher of London |
| 德女分配軍用雜貨品 | A Genman woman assigning military groceries |
| 倫敦之女汽車夫 | A woman bus driver in London |
| 倫敦搬運行李之女工 | A woman porter in London |
| 德國之女郵差 | A mailwoman in Genmany |
| 比皇與比后在西祕頹敗古蹟中 | Belgian emperor and empress in Ximi's? declining historical site |
| 比皇與偉格君在埃及北部西祕 | Belgian emperor and Mr. ? in Ximi?, North Egypt |
| 比皇與偉格君於流索策騎 | Belgian emperor and Mr. ? rode in ? |
| 比皇與偉格君乘船渡尼羅河至流索大冬旅館 | Belgian emperor and Mr. ? crossed Nile River to Liusuo Dadong hotel |
| 中外大事記 | Accounts of events in China and overseas |
| 國文范作 | Model Chinese essays |
| 文苑 | Literary garden |
| 小說 | Fiction |
| 襍俎 | Miscellaneous collection |
| 餘興 | Sideshow |
| 浙江蘭溪西鄉廬山學校教員包啟新君夫人之玉照 | A photograph of the wife of Mr. Bao Qixin, a teacher of Lushan School in Xixiang, Lanxi, Zhejiang |