Funü zazhi
No. 003 (29 February, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 166 (166 total)
三色版精印女學生結絨圖A schoolgirl knits wool (three-coloured fine printed picture)
南樓老人畫杜鵑花Azaleas painted by Old Man of South Mansion
余省畫牡丹雙?圖Poeny and two? painted by Yu Xing
文徵明草書真蹟A genuine Wen Zhenming's cursive writing
避暑之勝景(一)江西百花洲之荷花池Wonderful scenery of summer resorts: a) the lotus pond in Baihua island, Jiangxi
避暑之勝景(二)西湖韜光寺前之竹Wonderful scenery of summer resorts: b) bamboos in front of Tao guang temple, the West Lake
避暑之勝景(三)日本大阪尻無川之暮帆落照Wonderful scenery of summer resorts: c) sails at sunset at dask on the Shirinashi River, Japan
武進女師範學校附屬蒙養院攝影Photos of beadhouse affiliated to Wujin female normal school
武進女師範學校附屬蒙養院攝影Photos of beadhouse affiliated to Wujin female normal school
杭縣徐新華女士遺畫Posthumous painting by Ms. Xu Xinhua from Hang county
學蓺門Learning skills
家政門Home economics
保抱兒童之注意第一圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 1
保抱兒童之注意第二圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 2
保抱兒童之注意第三圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 3
保抱兒童之注意第四圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 4
保抱兒童之注意第五圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 5
保抱兒童之注意第六圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 6
保抱兒童之注意第七圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 7
保抱兒童之注意第八圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 8
保抱兒童之注意第九圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 9
保抱兒童之注意第十圖Images in Matters need attention when protecting and carrying children: No. 10
沙魏村中販牛乳之二英女Two English women sold milk in ? villiage
比國加來羅之女礦工Women miners in ?, Belgium
法國兵工廠中製彈之女工Women workers produced shells in French arsenal
德意志愛國之女子紛爭工作之圖The image of German patriotic women scrambling for job
巴黎電車中之女賣票員A woman ticket seller in Paris' trolleybus
倫敦之女屠夫A woman butcher of London
德女分配軍用雜貨品A Genman woman assigning military groceries
倫敦之女汽車夫A woman bus driver in London
倫敦搬運行李之女工A woman porter in London
德國之女郵差A mailwoman in Genmany
比皇與比后在西祕頹敗古蹟中Belgian emperor and empress in Ximi's? declining historical site
比皇與偉格君在埃及北部西祕Belgian emperor and Mr. ? in Ximi?, North Egypt
比皇與偉格君於流索策騎Belgian emperor and Mr. ? rode in ?
比皇與偉格君乘船渡尼羅河至流索大冬旅館Belgian emperor and Mr. ? crossed Nile River to Liusuo Dadong hotel
中外大事記Accounts of events in China and overseas
國文范作Model Chinese essays
文苑Literary garden
襍俎Miscellaneous collection
浙江蘭溪西鄉廬山學校教員包啟新君夫人之玉照A photograph of the wife of Mr. Bao Qixin, a teacher of Lushan School in Xixiang, Lanxi, Zhejiang