| 水繪園畫史蔡含畫荷花鴛鴦三色版 | Painting of lotuses and mandarin ducks by the painter Cai Han of the Shuihui Garden, printed with three-colour method. |
 | 冒辟疆姬人蔡含畫金曉珠小像 | A portrait of Jin Xiaozhu, painted by Can Han, concubine of Mao Pijiang |
 | 吳芝瑛夫人最近墨寶二種 | Madame Wu Zhiying's two recent ink works |
 | 南樓老人畫石榴真蹟 | The authentic painting of guava by Nanlou Laoren |
 | 徐新華女士洛神賦 | Goddess of River Luo by Ms Xu Xinhua |
 | 愛讀本報者之小影: 陳女士璞 | The photo-portrait of a reader of our magazine, Ms Chen Pu |
 | 馮文鳳女士書曹全碑 | Calligraphy of the inscriptions on the Cao Quan Stele by Ms Feng Wenfeng |
 | 社說 | Editorial |
 | 學蓺門 | Learning skills |
 | 薑汁餅乾 | Ginger snap |
 | 天秤 | A Balance |
 | 鉛錘 | A pendulum |
 | 戴草帽的女人 | A woman wearing a strawhat |
 | 一方厚白布附於繖柄 | A piece of white cloth attached to the handle of an umbrella |
 | 一塊硬紙黏於帽底 | A piece of cardboard stuck to a hat |
 | 紙花 | Paper flower |
 | 風景之氣候圖 | landscape climate chart |
 | 家政門 | Home economics [title page] |
 | 第一次謎畫揭曉 | Answers to the first picture riddles contest |
 | 記述門 | Records [title page] |
 | 坐藤轎上山之狀 | People going up the hill in cane sedan chairs |
 | 牯嶺洋房之全部 | An overall view of western-style houses on Guling |
 | 牯嶺洋房之一部(雲起時之狀) | Partial view of the western-style houses on the Gu Mountain (with rising clouds) |
 | 翡翠浦 | Emerald beach |
 | 滴水 | Dropping |
 | 各個操 (第五十五教程) (第二女子師範學校本科選手) | Individual gymnastic exercises (Number 55) (Athletes of the Second Normal School for Women) |
 | 吳縣縣立運動行進田邊月 | The month of marching along fields of county schools of the Wu county |
 | 本國式啞鈴 (第二女子師範學校一年級) | Dumbbell activities in native style (Grade one of the Number Two Normal School for Women) |
 | 行進遊技 | Skills in marching |
 | 各個操 | Individual gymnastic exercises |
 | 三人三木環 | Three people with three wood rings |
 | 吳縣縣立第一女子高等小學運動棍棒 | Exercise with clubs by the first Wu county higher primary girl's school |
 | 應用短棒 | Applied short stick |
 | 大事記 | Memorabilia |
 | 國文範作 | Model Chinese essays |
 | 第二次謎畫懸賞 | Prizes offered for the second picture riddles contest |
 | 文苑 | Literary garden |
 | 小說 | Fiction |
 | 襍俎 | Miscellaneous collection [title page] |
 | 餘興 | Entertainment [title page] |
 | 桂蘊芝女士 | Ms. Gui Yunzhi |