| 婦女雜誌第二卷第二號目錄 | Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 2, Funu zazhi |
 | 婦女雜誌第二卷第二號目錄 | Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 2, Funu zazhi |
 | 美國家庭 | American families |
 | 簡易療病法(續) | Simple and easy cures for diseases (continued) |
 | 簡明解剖學述要(續) | A brief introduction to anatomy (continued) |
 | 沒骨畫法指南 | Instruction for how to paint boneless painting |
 | 食物之化學 | The chemistry of food |
 | 夫婦和好之秘訣譯日本女之世界雜誌 | The secret of harmony between husband and wife (translated from the Japanese magazine Women's World) |
 | 第二次謎畫揭曉 | Answers to the second picture riddles contest |
 | 吳江風俗記(續) | Customs in Wujiang (continued) |
 | 與龍江女弟子論察哈爾女學書 | Discussing the girls' schools in Chahaer with female students in Longjiang |
 | 二十世紀之女教育家 | A woman educator of the twentieth century |
 | 余日章先生教育演說 | Mr. Yu Rizhang's speech on education |
 | 第二次射中謎畫諸君台銜 | The list of people who got the correct answers to the second picture riddles contest |
 | 第四時期之歐戰(自十一月中旬至一月二十日止) | The fourth period of the European war (from mid-November to January 20th) |
 | 帝政之進行 | Imperial rules are being implemented |
 | 滇事(十二月終至一月二十日) | The affairs in Yunnan (from the end of December to January 20th) |
 | 外交 | Diplomacy |
 | 預算 | Budget |
 | 亞幾梅笛別傳/譯美国James Baldwin氏著三十佚事之一 | Biography of Archimedes translated from Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin |
 | 亞幾梅笛別傳譯美国James Baldwin氏著三十佚事之一 | Biography of Archimedes translated from Thirty More Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin |
 | 亞幾梅笛別傳英譯漢 | The unofficial biography of Archimedes, translated from English to Chinese |
 | 復謝吳芝瑛女士寫本校國恥碑陰文啟 | A letter to express our gratitude to Ms Wu Zhiying for writting the inscription on the stele of national shame for our school |
 | 復謝吳芝瑛女士寫本校國恥碑陰文啟 | A letter to express our gratitude to Ms Wu Zhiying for writting the inscription on the stele of national shame for our school |
 | 復謝吳芝瑛女士寫本校國恥碑陰文啟 | A letter to express our gratitude to Ms Wu Zhiying for writting the inscription on the stele of national shame for our school |
 | 復謝吳芝瑛女士寫本校國恥碑陰文啟 | A letter to express our gratitude to Ms Wu Zhiying for writting the inscription on the stele of national shame for our school |
 | 復謝吳芝瑛女士寫本校國恥碑陰文啟 | A letter to express our gratitude to Ms Wu Zhiying for writting the inscription on the stele of national shame for our school |
 | 復謝吳芝瑛女士寫本校國恥碑陰文啟 | A letter to express our gratitude to Ms Wu Zhiying for writting the inscription on the stele of national shame for our school |
 | 漢高祖唐太宗明太祖合論 | On Emperor Gaozu of Han, Emperor Taizong of Tang, and Emperor Taizu of Ming |
 | 同堂共學而進步之遲速各殊試言其所以然之故 | Discuss why classmates at the same school would progress at different rates |
 | 同堂共學而進步之遲速各殊試言其所以然之故 | Discuss why classmates at the same school would progress at different rates |
 | 想像之江觀潮記 | An imaginary scene of viewing tidal bore |
 | 想像之江觀潮記 | An imaginary scene of viewing tidal bore |
 | 說絡緯 | On katydid |
 | 說絡緯 | On katydid |
 | 說絡緯 | On katydid |
 | 作札餽蟹并約人看菊花 | Writing a letter, presenting crabs, and making a date to admire the beauty of chrysanthemum |
 | 說絡緯 | On katydid |
 | 作札餽蟹并約人看菊花 | Writing a letter, presenting crabs, and making a date to admire the beauty of chrysanthemum |
 | 作札餽蟹并約人看菊花 | Write a letter to present a gift of crabs, and to invite someone to admire chrysanthemums together |
 | 作札餽蟹并約人看菊花 | Writing a letter, presenting crabs, and making a date to admire the beauty of chrysanthemum |
 | 作札餽蟹并約人看菊花 | Write a letter to present a gift of crabs, and to invite someone to admire chrysanthemums together |
 | 西神客話 | Xi Shen Ke's commentaries |
 | 黃太夫人墓表 | Epitaph for Madame Huang |
 | 石交亭記 | Travelogue to Shijiao Pavilion |
 | 詩選 | Selected poems |
 | 詞選 | Selected song lyrics |
 | 母教(續) | Mother's education (continued) |
 | 慕凡女兒傳(續) | The biography of Miss Mufan (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄 | The record of frost and ice |
 | 謎畫懸賞第三次 | Third round of picture riddles contest |
 | 讋盦札記 | Notes from Taboo Nunnery |
 | 西神客話 | Xi Shen Ke's commentaries |
 | 警世新劇童子鍼砭(續) | New drama to admonish the world: A child's criticism (continued) |
 | 家常瑣談釋義 | Explaining common idioms |
 | 女子新游戲法 | New games for women |