| 教育部最近審定之普通教科書 | Universal textbook recently approved by the Ministry of Education |
 | 教育部審定實用教科書同時出版 | Practical textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education have been published at the same time |
 | 共和國教科書奉教育部批准仍可通用 | The textbooks of the Republic of China are still used under the approval of the Ministry of Education |
 | 預定婦女雜誌簡章 | The general regulations of Funu zazhi's subscription |
 | 商務印書館英華合解詞彙發售(預約)廣告 | Advertisement of English-Chinese vocabulary published by the Commercial Press is put on sale (reservation) |
 | 上海濟生堂大藥房營業品目 | Sai sei do the Japanese pharmacy importer and exporter druggists Corner Seward and Boone Roads, Hong ko, Shanghai |
 | 人造自來血 | Man-made automatic blood |
 | 教育部批准?英語週刊已出至十八期 | The eighteenth issue of English Journal, which is approved by Minstry of Education, has already been pulished |
 | 函授學社英文科 | English correspondence courses |
 | 英文辭典 | English dictionary |
 | 英文字書 | English dictionary |
 | 新智識叢書之一:戰爭與進化 | New knowledge series, no. 1: war and evolution |
 | 新智識叢書之二:發明與文明 | New knowledge series, no. 2: invention and civilization |
 | 新智識叢書之三:戰時之德意志 | New knowledge series, no. 3: Germany in time of war |
 | 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Women sanitary items and cosmetics at the Shanghai Zhong Ying pharmacy |
 | 優名塔牙水 | Eumintol |
 | 屈氏大藥房臘文達綠瓶香水 | Waston's pharmacy, ?, green-bottle perfume |
 | 中外輿圖局五彩精印地圖童世亨先生著 | Delicately printed multicoloured maps published by Chinese and Foreign Map Office, authored by Mr. Tong Shiheng |
 | 懸賞募集 | Offer a reward to collect |
 | 女子中學?範通用閩侯蕭閒叟編烹飪? | Cookbook edited by Xiao Xiansou from Minhou used by girl's school |
 | 請購單級學校用書 | Please purchase textbooks for single-grade school |
 | 英華合解詞典預約發售廣告 | The advertisement of sale reservation of English-Chinese bilingual dictionary |
 | 英文雜誌第二卷一號特別增刊 | English Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, supplement |
 | 東方雜誌十二卷第十二號要目 | Table of Contents, volume 12, issue 12, Eastern Journal |
 | 作文之好模範 | Good models of composition writing |
 | 第二次謎畫懸賞 | Prizes offered for the second picture riddles contest |
 | 學生雜誌二月分出版 | Student journal published in Febrary |
 | 文藝叢書三種 | Three literary and artistic works |
 | ? | |
 | 幻燈影片:通俗教育之補助品 | Slide: a supplementary means of education for the masses |
 | 歲次丙辰年 陽曆一千九百十六年日記日曆出版 | The diary and calendar of the year of Bingchen, 1916, have been published |
 | 教育? | |
 | 學生雜誌十二月分出版 | Student journal published in December |
 | 教育雜誌十二月分出版 | Education journal published in December |
 | 少年雜誌 | Youth journal |
 | ? | |
 | 最新? | |
 | 小? | |
 | ? | |
 | 實地攝影:各地名勝寫真 | Photos: portraits of scenic spots of different regions |
 | 婦女雜誌(月刊) | The Ladies' Journal (Issued monthly) |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸 | Doctor Williams' red tonic pills |