Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1915)
Pages available: 1 - 238 (238 total)
婦女雜誌第二卷第一號目錄 Table of contents, volume 2, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第二卷第一號目錄 Table of contents, volume 2, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第二卷第一號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第二卷第一號目錄 Table of Contents, volume 2, issue 1, Funu zazhi
教育部最近審定之普通教科書 Universal textbook recently approved by the Ministry of Education
教育部審定實用教科書同時出版 Practical textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education have been published at the same time
共和國教科書奉教育部批准仍可通用 The textbooks of the Republic of China are still used under the approval of the Ministry of Education
水繪園畫史蔡含畫荷花鴛鴦三色版 Painting of lotuses and mandarin ducks by the painter Cai Han of the Shuihui Garden, printed with three-colour method.
預定婦女雜誌簡章 The general regulations of Funu zazhi's subscription
商務印書館英華合解詞彙發售(預約)廣告 Advertisement of English-Chinese vocabulary published by the Commercial Press is put on sale (reservation)
冒辟疆姬人蔡含畫金曉珠小像 A portrait of Jin Xiaozhu, painted by Can Han, concubine of Mao Pijiang
吳芝瑛夫人最近墨寶二種 Madame Wu Zhiying's two recent ink works
上海濟生堂大藥房營業品目 Sai sei do the Japanese pharmacy importer and exporter druggists Corner Seward and Boone Roads, Hong ko, Shanghai
人造自來血 Man-made automatic blood
南樓老人畫石榴真蹟 The authentic painting of guava by Nanlou Laoren
徐新華女士洛神賦 Goddess of River Luo by Ms Xu Xinhua
徐新華女士洛神賦 Goddess of River Luo by Ms Xu Xinhua
愛讀本報者之小影: 陳女士璞 The photo-portrait of a reader of our magazine, Ms Chen Pu
教育部批准?英語週刊已出至十八期 The eighteenth issue of English Journal, which is approved by Minstry of Education, has already been pulished
函授學社英文科 English correspondence courses
英文辭典 English dictionary
英文字書 English dictionary
新智識叢書之一:戰爭與進化 New knowledge series, no. 1: war and evolution
新智識叢書之二:發明與文明 New knowledge series, no. 2: invention and civilization
新智識叢書之三:戰時之德意志 New knowledge series, no. 3: Germany in time of war
上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 Women sanitary items and cosmetics at the Shanghai Zhong Ying pharmacy
優名塔牙水 Eumintol
屈氏大藥房臘文達綠瓶香水 Waston's pharmacy, ?, green-bottle perfume
馮文鳳女士書曹全碑 Calligraphy of the inscriptions on the Cao Quan Stele by Ms Feng Wenfeng
社說 Editorial
中外輿圖局五彩精印地圖童世亨先生著 Delicately printed multicoloured maps published by Chinese and Foreign Map Office, authored by Mr. Tong Shiheng
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
二十世紀之新女子 New women in the twentieth century
懸賞募集 Offer a reward to collect
學蓺門 Learning skills
女子中學?範通用閩侯蕭閒叟編烹飪? Cookbook edited by Xiao Xiansou from Minhou used by girl's school
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡易療病法 Simple and easy cures for diseases
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
簡明解剖學述要 A brief introduction to anatomy
家庭簡易測天氣法 Simple and easy methods of weather forecasting at home
家庭簡易測天氣法 Simple and easy methods of weather forecasting at home
薑汁餅乾 Ginger snap
天秤 A Balance
家庭簡易測天氣法 Simple and easy methods of weather forecasting at home
鉛錘 A pendulum
戴草帽的女人 A woman wearing a strawhat
一方厚白布附於繖柄 A piece of white cloth attached to the handle of an umbrella
一塊硬紙黏於帽底 A piece of cardboard stuck to a hat
家庭簡易測天氣法 Simple and easy methods of weather forecasting at home
紙花 Paper flower
風景之氣候圖 landscape climate chart
家庭簡易測天氣法 Simple and easy methods of weather forecasting at home
家庭簡易測天氣法 Simple and easy methods of weather forecasting at home
家政門 Home economics [title page]
請購單級學校用書 Please purchase textbooks for single-grade school
家庭經驗談 Experience of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experience of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experience of homekeeping
論住家在教育上宜以分居為必要 On the necessity of dividing homes from an educational point of view
論住家在教育上宜以分居為必要 On the necessity of dividing homes from an educational point of view
論住家在教育上宜以分居為必要 On the necessity of dividing homes from an educational point of view
論住家在教育上宜以分居為必要 On the necessity of dividing homes from an educational point of view
兒童臥具之研究 A study on children's bedding
兒童臥具之研究 A study on children's bedding
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
家庭經驗談 Experiences of homekeeping
第一次謎畫揭曉 Answers to the first picture riddles contest
記述門 Records [title page]
英華合解詞典預約發售廣告 The advertisement of sale reservation of English-Chinese bilingual dictionary
英文雜誌第二卷一號特別增刊 English Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, supplement
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
河南女子師範學校畢業訓詞 Speech given to the graduating class of Henan Normal School for Women
吳江風俗記 Customs in Wujiang
吳江風俗記 Customs in Wujiang
吳江風俗記 Customs in Wujiang
吳江風俗記 Customs in Wujiang
吳江風俗記 Customs in Wujiang
吳江風俗記 Customs in Wujiang
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
我之求學生活 My study life
松本氏子女教育經濟譚 Matsumoto on the economics of female education
松本氏子女教育經濟譚 Matsumoto on the economics of female education
松本氏子女教育經濟譚 Matsumoto on the economics of female education
松本氏子女教育經濟譚 Matsumoto on the economics of female education
牯嶺五日記 Record of five days in the Gu Mountain
牯嶺五日記 Record of five days in the Gu Mountain
坐藤轎上山之狀 People going up the hill in cane sedan chairs
牯嶺洋房之全部 An overall view of western-style houses on Guling
牯嶺五日記 Record of five days in the Gu Mountain
牯嶺洋房之一部(雲起時之狀) Partial view of the western-style houses on the Gu Mountain (with rising clouds)
牯嶺五日記 Record of five days in the Gu Mountain
翡翠浦 Emerald beach
牯嶺五日記 Record of five days in the Gu Mountain
牯嶺五日記 Record of five days in the Gu Mountain
與龍江女弟子論北京女學書 Discussing girl's schools in Beijing with schoolgirls in Longjiang
滴水 Dropping
與龍江女弟子論北京女學書 Discussing girl's schools in Beijing with schoolgirls in Longjiang
與龍江女弟子論北京女學書 Discussing girl's schools in Beijing with schoolgirls in Longjiang
與龍江女弟子論北京女學書 Discussing girl's schools in Beijing with schoolgirls in Longjiang
與龍江女弟子論北京女學書 Discussing girl's schools in Beijing with schoolgirls in Longjiang
與龍江女弟子論北京女學書 Discussing girl's schools in Beijing with schoolgirls in Longjiang
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
各個操 (第五十五教程) (第二女子師範學校本科選手) Individual gymnastic exercises (Number 55) (Athletes of the Second Normal School for Women)
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
吳縣縣立運動行進田邊月 The month of marching along fields of county schools of the Wu county
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
本國式啞鈴 (第二女子師範學校一年級) Dumbbell activities in native style (Grade one of the Number Two Normal School for Women)
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
行進遊技 Skills in marching
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
各個操 Individual gymnastic exercises
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
三人三木環 Three people with three wood rings
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
吳縣縣立第一女子高等小學運動棍棒 Exercise with clubs by the first Wu county higher primary girl's school
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
應用短棒 Applied short stick
江蘇省立學校第二次聯合運動會及吳縣全縣學校運動會日記 Diary of the second joint atheletic meet of Jiangsu provincial schools and the atheletic meet of schools of the Wu county
我之學校生活 My school life
我之學校生活 My school life
我之學校生活 My school life
我之學校生活 My school life
我之學校生活 My school life
大事記 Memorabilia
東方雜誌十二卷第十二號要目 Table of Contents, volume 12, issue 12, Eastern Journal
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
民國四年之中國 China in the fourth year of the Republic
一年半之歐戰 The European war in the past one and a half years
一年半之歐戰 The European war in the past one and a half years