
Articles assigned to genre

prose (散文, san wen) :: 3019 entries
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兒童領地/ 世界最大的佛像 - Children's territory/ The biggest buddha statue in the world
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 4 (1920), p. 156
兒童領地/ 九尺的人骨 - Children's territory/ Nine-chi skeleton
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 4 (1920), p. 156
兒童領地/ 德人的迷信 - Children's territory/ The superstition of Germans
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 4 (1920), p. 156
兒童領地/ 猛獸的厄運 - Children's territory/ The tragedy of beasts
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 4 (1920), p. 156
家庭服務與經濟獨立 - Domestic service and financial independence
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 22
避妊問題之研究 - Research on the question of contraception
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 33
科學觀之詩談 - Talk on poetry from a scientific perspective
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 48
動物的敏銳知覺 - The keen perception of animals
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 49
女子的覺悟 (續) - The consciousness of women (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 67
科學小識 (續) - Little knowledge about science (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 77
科學小製造 (續) - Small inventions of science (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 82
對於兒童玩具的意見 - Opinions on children's toys
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 87
你們小孩子的第二個夏季 - Your children's second summer
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 90
奇帛氏家庭簡易體操 - Gibbs's simple gymnastics for families
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 92
解放後的婦女人格觀 - Women's personalities after liberation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 99
世界女子消息/ 美國家事教育 (續) - News on women across the globe/ Family education in America (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 115
遊戲志略 - Brief introduction to games
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 143
不可思議的動物/ 活的球 - Incredible animals/ Living balls
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 148
不可思議的植物 / 預報天變地異的植物 - Incredible plants/ The plants that forecast the changes of heaven and earth
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 152
不可思議/ 大拇指別傳 - Incredible/ The supplementary biography of the thumb
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 157
兒童領地/ 海底的不可思議 - Children's territory/ Incredible seabed
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 159
兒童領地/ 蟻巢內的組織 - Children's territory/ The structure of ant nests
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 160
兒童領地/ 美 - Children's territory/ Beauty
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 160
兒童領地/ 遊戲算術 - Children's territory/ Arithmetics games
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 5 (1920), p. 160
今日中國女子應覺悟的一點-自己的責任 - One thing that Chinese women should be aware of-your responsibility
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 33
釋放婢女和解放貧婦的商榷 - Discussion on the liberation of maids and poor women
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 33
廢娼問題 - The question of prostitution abolishment
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 40
婦女解放與男性化之杞憂 - Women's liberation and the problem of masculinity
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 50
新社會的結婚和家庭 - Marriage and family in the new society
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 55
兩性衝突的原因-為什麼男子反對婦女運動 - Reseaons for conflicts between two sexes-why do men object to women's movements
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 72
家庭俱樂部的提倡 - The proposal of the department of family club
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 84
婦女底裝飾 - Women's decoration
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 86
斷乳後嬰兒的保育法 - Care methods for infants during the weaning period
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 91
科學小識 (續) - Little knowledge about science (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 94
世界女子消息/ 美國家事教育 (續) - News on women across the globe/ Family education in America (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 123
奇想的小兒 - The imaginative child
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 167
有趣味的故事 - An interesting story
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 6 (1920), p. 167
婦女解放與男性化之杞憂(續) - Women's liberation and the problem of masculinity (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 30
文字語言的界說和分類 - The definitions and types of word and language
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 66
水牛乳之價值 - The value of buffaloes' milk
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 73
婦女生利的園藝學 - Gardening that women can make money from
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 79
少年母親的指南鍼 - The compass of teen moms
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 81
續「兒童讀物的研究」 - Continued Research on children's readings
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 84
日用食物之化驗法 - The test methods of daily food
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 87
科學小識 (續) - Little knowledge about science (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 89
世界女子消息/ 美國家事教育 (續) - News on women across the globe/ Family education in America (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 107
遊戲考略 - A brief research on games
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 143
童子實業談 - Talk on children's businesses
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 158
吉林龍潭山底蛇 - Ophidia in Longtan Mount, Jilin
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 158
昆蟲——蚊蠅蜂 - Insects——mosquitoes, flies and bees
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 7 (1920), p. 158

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