| 中西女塾秦昭華女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Qin Shaohua from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) private girls' school |
 | 前中西女塾以美名之黃卓羣女士,此其凝視之攝影 | Ms Huang Zhuoqun formerly from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) private girls' school, who is famous for her beauty, this is a photo of the her contemplation look |
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 | 目標:增進婦女優美之生活 | Goal: to improve the beautiful life of women |
 | 第三十九期要目 | Important contents of issue thirty-nine |
 | 中國不能戰勝日本嗎 | Can't China defeat Japan? |
 | 中國不能戰勝日本嗎 | Can't China defeat Japan? |
 | 英哥。你要愛情美滿。家庭幸福。謀事順利。那末必須常閲 [玲瓏雜誌] | Yingge, if you want to be perfectly satisfied with love, to be happily married, and to find a job successfully, you should read "Linglong Magazine" regularly |
 | 記清何香凝先生的話 | Remember clearly what Mr He Xiangning has said |
 | 枕上情淚 | Tears of love on the pillow |
 | 本刊對於深刻趣味而有生活寫真短雋的小說(千字以內)甚為從歡迎 | We welcome profound and interesting short novels on life and reality (within one thousand characters) |
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 | 怎樣使家庭和睦 | How to keep your family in harmony |
 | 國家興亡女子有責 | Women are responsible for the rise and fall of a nation |
 | 女子與軍事訓練 | Women and military training |
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 | 青年的追求 | The courtship of the youth |
 | 來函 | An incoming letter |
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 | 中國攝影供應社之服務 | Service provided by Chinese Photography Equipment Company |
 | 女界對於東省事件應有的認識(續) | The women's world should be aware of the situation in Northern provinces (continued) |
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 | 玲瓏雜誌內容期期精采欲窺全豹須長期訂閱 | The content of Linglong magazine is wonderful in every issue. If you want to see the entire thing, you need to buy a long-term subscription |
 | 玲瓏 | Linglong |
 | 我見猶憐的珍女士 | Ms Zhen, whom even I cannot help loving upon seeing her |
 | 讀者呼聲 | Readers' voice |
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 | 戀愛過程中的默許 | Acquiescence in the course of love relationship |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 矮克發洋行 | Agfa foreign firm |
 | Agfa | |
 | 矮克發軟片,必立捲片鏡箱,摩維克斯旅行家庭影片機 | Agfa soft film, Bili rolling-film mirror box, Moweikesi camera for travel and family |
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 | 單身女子赴歐經過(續) | The course of a single woman going to Europe (continued) |
 | 介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活 | Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life |
 | 常識趣問 | An interesting question concerning common knowledge |
 | 止血法 | How to stop bleeding |
 | 止血法 | How to stop bleeding |
 | 過肥之改造 | The transformation of the overweight |
 | 孕婦食品討論 | Discussion on the food for pregnant women |
 | 不要上了倭子的當 | Don't be fooled by the Japanese |
 | 洗滌衣漬法 | How to remove stains from clothes |
 | 怎麼使手美觀 | How to beautiful your hands |
 | 中西女塾蕭麗芬女士玉照 | Precious photo of Ms Xiao Lifen from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) girls' private school |
 | 吳縣婦女教養所蠶事訓練班製簇時之攝影 | Photo taken when the silkworm breeding team of County Wu women's training school were making clusters |
 | 初冬新裝 | New dress for early winter |
 | 初冬新裝 | New dress for early winter |
 | 本年度青島市兒童健康比賽三歲得第一名之彭瑞斌及其所得之獎品 | The three-year-old Peng Ruibin, who won the first place in the Qingdao children health contest this year, and his award |
 | 傘的效用 [Two pictures] | The utility of umbrella |
 | 傘的效用 | The utility of umbrella |
 | 林碧英女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Lin Biying |
 | 復旦大學葛磬同女士盪鞦韆之攝影 | Photo of Ms Ge Qingtong from Fudan university, taken when she was swinging a swing |
 | 輕攀桃枝意思春 | Lightly grabbing the peach twig and thinking about spring |
 | 德國日光浴男女戲球後之攝影 | Photo of the sunbath of a German man and a German woman after playing the ball |
 | 日光下男女歡唱之情形 | The scene in which men and women sing happily under the sunlight |
 | 裸童嬉戲于日光下 | Naked kids having fun under the sunlight |
 | 上圖是健而且美的女子 | There is a healthy as well as beautiful woman in the picture above |
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 | 經濟之晨餐法 | An economical way of having breakfast |
 | 不要怕,拿你們的砲對好了我們的公敵--蠻日 | Don't be afraid. Aim your cannon at our common enemy - barbarous Japanese |
 | 案件評述, | Comment on Law Cases |
 | 又一個受丈夫虐待的女同胞 | Another sister who is mistreated by her husband |
 | 用情不可不慎 | One has to be cautious to handle sentiment |
 | 代郵 | The substitute for mailing |
 | 定報價目 | The subscription price |
 | 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine |
 | 中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙,國民政府內政部登記 | The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery, registered at the Department of Interior of the National Government of the Republic of China |
 | 廣告價目 | The advertisement price |
 | 玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine |
 | 兒童教育 | Children education |
 | 小兒斷乳後之適當食料 | Appropriate food for an infant after withdrawing the supply of breast milk |
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 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 小兒不能哺乳的處置 | The handling of infants who can not be breast-fed yet |
 | 甜蜜 | Sweetness |
 | 圖畫遊戲 | Picture game |
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 | 1931中國歐美電影明星聯合選舉大會 | United voting event of Chinese, European and American movie stars in 1931 |
 | 培根生髮香水 | Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic |
 | 培根生髮香水 | Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic |
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 | 愛我什麼 | Which part of me do you love |
 | 王開照相館 | Wang Kai photo studio |
 | 緊要啟事,玲瓏雜誌擴充篇幅,改價一角 | Urgent announcement, more pages have been added to Linglong magazine, the price goes up for one jiao |
 | 逃婚以後 | After running away from wedding |
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 | 逃婚以後 | After running away from wedding |
 | 讀者意見 | Readers' suggestion |
 | 克萊柏拉的失蹤 | The disappearance of Kelaibaila |
 | 克萊拉寶的真相 | The truth of Kelailabao |
 | 馬利坡的未卜先知 | The foresight of Malipo |
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 | 沙灘的笪許門 | Daxumen on the beach |
 | 馬利坡的明星樂園 | The paradise of stars in Malipo |
 | 南錫卡洛的女導演談 | Nancy Carroll's talk about female regisseurs |
 | 一九三一年明星的薪金 | The earnings of stars in 1931 |
 | 吉而勃之賭興 | Jierbo's gambling zest |
 | 請你宣布情史 | Please announce your love history |
 | 獅明星的牙病 | The toothache of star lion |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 明星殖民香屑 | The anecdote about the colonization of stars |
 | 中國電影女星胡蝶近影 | Recent photo of Chinese female movie star Hu Die |
 | 電影女星魯貽斯摩蘭近影 | Recent photo of the female movie star Luyisi Molan |