| 北京名媛劉孝珍女士 | Socialite Ms Liu Xiaozhen in Peking |
| 李慰慈女士依欄玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Li Weici leaning upon a balustrade |
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| 目標:增進婦女優美之生活 | Goal: to improve the beautiful life of women |
| 預告 | Advance notice |
| 第四十期要目 | Important contents of issue forty |
| 愛情的破產 | The bankruptcy of love |
| 愛情的破產 | The bankruptcy of love |
| 女子為什麼要嫁 | Why should a woman get married |
| 兩相比較 | Comparison |
| 愛情的破產 | The bankruptcy of love |
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| 兩件大事的衝突 | Conflict between two important issues |
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| 以處男為騙術 | Using "being a male virgin" as a deceitful trick |
| 以處男為騙術 | Using "being a male virgin" as a deceitful trick |
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| 單身女子赴歐經過(續) | The course of a single woman going to Europe (continued) |
| 讀者呼聲 | Readers' voice |
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| 我的痛史 | My painful history |
| 我的痛史 | My painful history |
| 特別啟事 | Special announcement |
| 補報注意 | Notice of resubscription |
| 冬季婦女新裝 | Women's new winter dresses |
| 冬季婦女新裝 | Women's new winter dresses |
| 介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活 | Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life |
| 修飾叢話 | Collected words on dressing up |
| 除去衣服上鐵銹油漆及藍墨水法 | Tips on removing rust, oil paint and blue ink from clothes |
| 除去衣服上鐵銹油漆及藍墨水法 | Tips on removing rust, oil paint and blue ink from clothes |
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| 培根生髮香水 | Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic |
| 培根生髮香水 | Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
| 紅唇法 | How to redden your lips |
| 儲蓄的常識 | Common knowledge on saving |
| 案件評述, | Comment on Law Cases |
| 銀質景泰藍,名字,學校,團體戒指 | Silver cloisonné, rings for name, school and organization |
| 女子的危險時期 | Dangerous period for women |
| 劉勵羣女士擅音樂 | Ms Liu Lizhang is good at music |
| 北平藝專音系學生金秉心女士 | Ms Jin Bingxin, a student major in music at the Beiping art school |
| 名媛周佩英女士近影 | Recent photo of Socialite Ms Zhou Peiying |
| 林康侯之女公子林冰若女士 | Ms Lin Bingruo, the daughter of Lin Kanghou |
| 玲玲說;哥哥把我的糖偷去了! | Lingling says: my elder brother has stolen my candy! |
| 麗麗說;小妹妹的糖讓我吃了! | |
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| 美國婦女燙髮新樣之三 | Women's new hair perm styles in the United States, part three |
| 美國婦女燙髮新樣之三 | Women's new hair perm styles in the United States, part three |
| (上) 鄉婦因其子忿暴日之橫行而投軍,臨別時戀戀不捨,痛哭而歸之情形 | (above) This countrywoman is reluctant to part from her son, who is angry about the brutal deeds of Japanese and joins the army, at parting and is crying back home |
| (下) 唯一女子,自願追隨青年軍,赴東省援馬之姚瑞芳女士 | (below) Ms Yao Ruifang, the only woman who volunteers to follow the youth army and to go to the eastern provinces to support the Ma |
| (下) 北平之代表孫女士演說時之情形 | (below) The scene of Ms Sun, the representative of Beiping, making a speech |
| (上) 歡送援馬團出發東省之女子軍,圖中除中立一男子外,其餘皆巾幗丈夫 | (above) Seeing off the women army of the Ma-supporting group who are setting off for the eastern provinces. In this picture, all are women except the man standing in the middle |
| 健美的--朱文誠騎自由車的"進行曲" | Healthy and beautiful - the "march" of Zhu Wencheng riding a bike |
| 上下兩圖--這是可以代表我國現代少女注重徒手體操的先鋒隊 | Two pictures above and below - this is the pioneering team who pay attention to barehanded gymnastics and who could represent for modern girls in our country |
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| 吳雪梅女士 | Ms Wu Xuemei |
| 這是法國最新流行的家庭坐椅裝飾 | This is the latest family couch design in fashion in France |
| 中國歌舞明星徐粲英女士 | Ms Xu Canying, Chinese dancing and singing star |
| 她何曾奏樂呢 | Has she ever played music |
| 你看范朋克和琵琵妲妮兒在聲片"銀河取月"裡表演的神氣 | Look, the expression of Fairbanks and Bebe Daniels in the sound film "Reaching for the Moon" |
| 你是誰?我是羅麗塔楊(Loretta Young) | Who are you? I am Loretta Young |
| 從各方面都可以看出來,瑪麗都蘭(Mary Doran)是影壇裏一朵美麗的鮮花。 | One can come to the conclusion in every aspect that Mary Doran is a beautiful flower in the film circles |
| 電影明星選舉之報告 | Report on the voting event of movie stars |
| 伊誰之咎 | Whose fault is it? |
| 王開照相館 | Wang Kai photo studio |
| 伊誰之咎 | Whose fault is it? |
| 定報價目 | The subscription price |
| 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine |
| 中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 | The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery |
| 玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine |
| 矮克發洋行 | Agfa foreign firm |
| Agfa | |
| 矮克發軟片,必立捲片鏡箱,摩維克斯旅行家庭影片機 | Agfa soft film, Bili rolling-film mirror box, Moweikesi camera for travel and family |
| 吻法 (續三十七期) | Way of kissing (continued from issue thirty-seven) |
| 嚴特史拜克之滑稽 | Yante Shibaike's humor |
| 預告 | Advance notice |
| 兒童衛生 | Children's hygiene |
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| 兒童衛生 | Children's hygiene |
| 1931中國歐美電影明星聯合選舉大會 | United voting event of Chinese, European and American movie stars in 1931 |
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| 擊鼓傳花 | One is drumming while the others pass round a spray of blossom (a game) |
| 好個推銷員 | Such a salesman |
| 時鐘與死人 | The watch and the dead |
| 有趣味的娛樂 | Interesting pastime |
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| 帝娜費絲瑪研究育兒術 | |
| 緊要啟事,玲瓏雜誌擴充篇幅,改價一角 | Urgent announcement, more pages have been added to Linglong magazine, the price goes up for one jiao |
| 津市叫賣聲 | The cries of peddling in the market in Tianjin |
| 津市叫賣聲 | The cries of peddling in the market in Tianjin |
| 津市叫賣聲 | The cries of peddling in the market in Tianjin |
| 嘉寶的名士派 | Jiaobao's group of famous people |
| 蘇作婦女的消遣 | Women's pastime in Suzhou |
| 銀壇珍聞 | New Titbits of the Screen |
| 大塊頭恃金錢之勢力,摧殘女性 | This tall and bulky fellow relies on the power of money to deflower women |
| 三年來公認的幾張佳片 | Several universally acknowledged good films in the past three years |
| 三年來公認的幾張佳片 | Several universally acknowledged good films in the past three years |
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| 史璜生之浴衣 | Shihuangsheng's bathrobe |
| 美國柏拉蒙公司新明星Peggy Shannon潑蓋珊濃的體美 | The physical beauty of Peggy Shannon, a new Paramount star in America |
| 內政部特准登記,郵政待准立券 | Special permission from the Department of Interior for registration, special permission from the post for business transactions |
| 美國影界最新最紅的明星Sylva Sidney錫爾凡珊娜近影 | Recent photo of Sylva Sidney, the newest and the most popular star in the movie world in the United states |