| 婦女時報十九號 | Funü shibao issue no. 19 |
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 | 婦女時報第十九號目次 | Funü shibao no.19 table of contents |
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 | 避危險 (時令) | Avoid danger (seasonal) |
 | 出版預告/ 文學津粱 | Forthcoming/ exemplary literary works |
 | 中國女子裁縫手工教科書/ 女子書翰文/ 名媛尺牘/ 黃石齋夫人書孝經墨跡 | Textbooks on tailoring, sewing and handicrafts for Chinese women/ Exemplary essays by women/ Letters by gentry women/ Xiaojing, calligraphy by the wife of Huang Shizai |
 | 最新結婚學/ 實用矯癖法/ 不老不死法 | New study on marriage/ Practical instructions on how to kick bad habits/ Instructions on how to prolong life |
 | 王茂漪女士 (現肆業於美國祝治華盛頓大學) | Ms. Wang Maoyi (currently studying at the George Washington University in the United States ) |
 | 民國五年九月環球中國學生會歡送留美男女學生攝影 | September 1916, the International Chinese Students Association bid farewell to the male and female students who are leaving for their study in the United States |
 | 民國五年九月環球中國學生會歡送留美男女學生攝影 | September 1916, the International Chinese Students Association bid farewell to the male and female students who are leaving for their study in the United States |
 | 湯修慧女士 | Ms. Tang Xiuhui |
 | 黃含章女士 | Ms. Huang Hanzhang |
 | 浙江女子師範學校職員徐伍女士 | Ms. Xu Wu, staff at the Zhejiang Normal School for Women |
 | 法學家黃韻濤君與朱筱雲女士結婚圖 | Wedding photo of law expert Mr. Huang Yuntao and Ms. Zhu Xiaoyun |
 | 湯蟄仙先生令媛湯祥芝女士與施薔女士 | Ms. Tang Xiangzhi, daughter of Mr. Tang Zhixian, and Ms. Shi Qiang |
 | 邵顰倩邵蘋青女士 (兩女士有詩文刊入本期文苑欄) | Ms. Shao Pinqian and Shao Pingqing (Both ladies have verses published in the Literary garden column of this issue) |
 | 江蘇省立女子蠶業學校撮影 | Photo of [students] at the Jiangsu Provincial School of Sericulture for Women |
 | 華府冶春詞圖 (一千九百十六年作)/ 大行列 Prepanedness [sic.] Parade | Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (1916)/ Prepanedness [sic.] parade |
 | 華府冶春詞圖(二)/ 白堊宮White | Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (2)/ White [House] |
 | 華府冶春詞圖(三)/ 河壖路 Speedway Along Potomac | Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (3)/ Speedway Along Potomac |
 | 羅斯福羅斯福夫人及孫利卻大培合影 | Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and their grandson Richard Derby Jr. |
 | 嘉禾史夢蘭女士繡字 (史平仲先生寄贈) | Embroidered calligraphy by Ms. Shi Menglan of Jiahe (sent by Mr. Shi Pingzhong) |
 | 嘉禾史夢蘭女士畫野薔薇 (史平仲先生寄贈) | A painting of rambler rose by Ms. Shi Menglan of Jiahe (sent by Mr. Shi Pingzhong) |
 | 賞鑒家注意/ 習畫家注意/ 鏡框店家注意/ 美術界之新曙光/ 水彩畫精印美人大畫片出世 | Attention all art connoisseurs, artists and picture framers! New light [product] in the art circle. Large prints of watercolour paintings of beauties are now available |
 | 易實甫羅癭公兩先生題詞/霓裳艷影 | Captions written by Mr. Yi Shifu and Mr. Luo Yinggong/ Photos of glamorous women in beautiful fashion |
 | | A. Wilson Dentist |
 | 上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 | Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry) |
 | 福美爾女金丹新出品 | New product: Fumeier pills for women |
 | 帕勒託補劑 | Pailetuo potion |
 | 帕勒托大補劑/ 功能補血補腦強身強種 | Pailetuo potion is able to improve the quality of blood, enhance and strengthen the brain and the body |
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 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 美國之新女子/ 先進國女權奮鬥之功績/ 我姊妹盍興乎來 | New women of the United States/ Achievements of the fight for women's rights in the progressive nation/ My sisters, why don't [we] follow suit? |
 | 女子與國民經濟發展之關係 | The relationship between women and the development of national economy |
 | 美國之新女子/ 先進國女權奮鬥之功績/ 我姊妹盍興乎來 | New women of the United States/ Achievements of the fight for women's rights in the progressive nation/ My sisters, why don't [we] follow suit? |
 | 美國之新女子/ 先進國女權奮鬥之功績/ 我姊妹盍興乎來 | New women of the United States/ Achievements of the fight for women's rights in the progressive nation/ My sisters, why don't [we] follow suit? |
 | 美國之新女子/ 先進國女權奮鬥之功績/ 我姊妹盍興乎來 | New women of the United States/ Achievements of the fight for women's rights in the progressive nation/ My sisters, why don't [we] follow suit? |
 | 美國之新女子/ 先進國女權奮鬥之功績/ 我姊妹盍興乎來 | New women of the United States/ Achievements of the fight for women's rights in the progressive nation/ My sisters, why don't [we] follow suit? |
 | 美國之新女子/ 先進國女權奮鬥之功績/ 我姊妹盍興乎來 | New women of the United States/ Achievements of the fight for women's rights in the progressive nation/ My sisters, why don't [we] follow suit? |
 | 夫婦間之愛情及其進化 | The love between husband and wife and its progress |
 | 夫婦間之愛情及其進化 | The love between husband and wife and its progress |
 | 夫婦間之愛情及其進化 | The love between husband and wife and its progress |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 科學家之結婚觀 (譯體育雜誌) | A scientist's views on marriage (translated from Physical Education Magazine) |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 理想家庭平面圖 | An ideal floor plan of a household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 家庭歲入歲出預算表 | Worksheet for household budget of annual income and expenses |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 流水簿 (以一月為度) | Ledger (monthly) |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 流水簿 (以一月為度) | Ledger (monthly) |
 | 總清簿 | Balance sheet |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 總清簿 | Balance sheet |
 | 雜用伙食簿 (以一月為度) | Miscellaneous and grocery expenses (monthly) |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 雜用伙食簿 (以一月為度) | Miscellaneous and grocery expenses (monthly) |
 | 家庭之組織及治理法 | Tips for organizing and managing the household |
 | 統賬結 | Final account |
 | 上海有正書局精印發行/ 大中堂 | Published and printed by Youzheng bookstore of Shanghai/ Large horizontal scrolls |
 | 對聯/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品 | Poetic couplet scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts |
 | 江西女俗談 | Women's customs in Jiangxi |
 | 江西女俗談 | Women's customs in Jiangxi |
 | 江西女俗談 | Women's customs in Jiangxi |
 | 江西女俗談 | Women's customs in Jiangxi |
 | 江西女俗談 | Women's customs in Jiangxi |
 | 紹興婦女之生活 | Women's life in Shaoxing |
 | 紹興婦女之生活 | Women's life in Shaoxing |
 | 紹興婦女之生活 | Women's life in Shaoxing |
 | 紹興婦女之生活 | Women's life in Shaoxing |
 | 紹興婦女之生活 | Women's life in Shaoxing |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 發酵桶圖 | A barrel for fermentation |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 金魚學 | The study of goldfish |
 | 西洋男女交際法 (續) | Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued) |
 | 西洋男女交際法 (續) | Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued) |
 | 西洋男女交際法 (續) | Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued) |
 | 西洋男女交際法 (續) | Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued) |
 | 西洋男女交際法 (續) | Social interactions between men and women in the west (continued) |
 | 家庭飲食物之防腐法 | How to prevent food and drink from rotting at home |
 | 家庭飲食物之防腐法 | How to prevent food and drink from rotting at home |
 | 家庭飲食物之防腐法 | How to prevent food and drink from rotting at home |
 | 家庭飲食物之防腐法 | How to prevent food and drink from rotting at home |
 | 小豆蟲 | Bean beetles |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 衣蛾成蟲/ 巢中之幼蟲/ 幼蟲/ 卵 | An adult moth/ a larva in the nest/ a larva/ an egg |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 白蟻/ 雌蟻/ 雄蟻/ 兵蟻/ 職蟻 | Termite/ queen ant/ male ant/ soldier ant/ worker ant |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 蛹/ 幼蟲/ 卵 | Pupa/ larva/ egg |
 | 蟻之成蟲 | An adult ant |
 | 蠼螋 | An earwig |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 蠅 | A fly |
 | 蛹/ 幼蟲/ 卵 | Pupa/ larva/ egg |
 | 捕蠅瓶 | A jar for capturing flies |
 | 蚊 | A mosquito |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 卵/ 幼蟲 (孑孓)/ 蛹 (孑孓) | Egg/ larva/ pupa |
 | 屋內動物圖說 (續) | An illustrated account of animals found indoor (continued) |
 | 酒之研究 | A study of wine |
 | 酒之研究 | A study of wine |
 | 酒之研究 | A study of wine |
 | 酒之研究 | A study of wine |
 | 酒之研究 | A study of wine |
 | 如何而受參政權 | How to practise the right to vote |
 | 如何而受參政權 | How to practise the right to vote |
 | 孝感朱烈女 | Chaste woman Zhu of Xiaogan [a county in Hubei] |
 | 孝感朱烈女 | Chaste woman Zhu of Xiaogan [a county in Hubei] |
 | 孝感朱烈女 | Chaste woman Zhu of Xiaogan [a county in Hubei] |
 | 嗚乎花會 | Huahui [gambling] be damned |
 | 嗚乎花會 | Huahui [gambling] be damned |
 | 組織婦女俱樂部的意見 | Thoughts on the establishment of women's clubs |
 | 組織婦女俱樂部的意見 | Thoughts on the establishment of women's clubs |
 | 組織婦女俱樂部的意見 | Thoughts on the establishment of women's clubs |
 | 組織婦女俱樂部的意見 | Thoughts on the establishment of women's clubs |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 祖國之女 | Daughter of the nation |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 白雪公主與七矮人 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
 | 電報發明彈詞 | A tanci on the invention of the telegram |
 | 電報發明彈詞 | A tanci on the invention of the telegram |
 | 電報發明彈詞 | A tanci on the invention of the telegram |
 | 電報發明彈詞 | A tanci on the invention of the telegram |
 | 電報發明彈詞 | A tanci on the invention of the telegram |
 | 電報發明彈詞 | A tanci on the invention of the telegram |
 | 婦女妝飾品考原 | Origins of women's jewellery and fashion accessories |
 | 綠葹閣詩話 (續) | Poetry from the green grass pavilion (continued) |
 | 綠葹閣詩話 (續) | Poetry from the green grass pavilion (continued) |
 | 綠葹閣詩話 (續) | Poetry from the green grass pavilion (continued) |
 | 綠葹閣詩話 (續) | Poetry from the green grass pavilion (continued) |
 | 送別講習科畢業諸同學序 | Farewell to the graduating class of the short-term training program |
 | 送別講習科畢業諸同學序 | Farewell to the graduating class of the short-term training program |
 | 原士 | The literati |
 | 說死 | On death |
 | 自由平等必以道德為本說 | Freedom and equality should be founded on morality |
 | 自由平等必以道德為本說 | Freedom and equality should be founded on morality |
 | 婦女時報刷新出版題辭 | A poem on the renovation of Funu shibao |
 | 悼落花詞/ 痛外交也 | Song lyrics on fallen flowers/ Saddened by foreign policies |
 | 虎丘雜詠 | Poems on Huqiu |
 | 虎丘雜詠 | Poems on Huqiu |
 | 旅行虎丘 口占一首 | A poem composed orally about the trip to Huqiu |
 | 感懷 | Touched |
 | 季夏山居 | A summer stay in the mountain |
 | 登樓 | Ascending the tower |
 | 百字令/ 秋聲 | Bai zi ling/ The sound of autumn |
 | 赤棗子/ 和納蘭均 | Red dates/ rhythm with the song lyrics by Nalan |
 | 編輯室之談話 | From the office of the editor |
 | 各學校適用/ 習字範本 | Suitable for all schools/ exemplary calligraphy |
 | 中國第一/ 初拓正續三希堂法帖 | First in China/ Original ink rubbing of the Sanxitang calligraphy |
 | 本報通告 | Anouncements of our magazine |
 | 圖中寓意 | Story in the picture |
 | 兜安氏秘製保腎丸 | Doans backache kidney pills |
 | 兜安氏秘製保腎丸 | Doans backache kidney pills |