| 婦女時報十九號 | Funü shibao issue no. 19 |
 | 王茂漪女士 (現肆業於美國祝治華盛頓大學) | Ms. Wang Maoyi (currently studying at the George Washington University in the United States ) |
 | 民國五年九月環球中國學生會歡送留美男女學生攝影 | September 1916, the International Chinese Students Association bid farewell to the male and female students who are leaving for their study in the United States |
 | 湯修慧女士 | Ms. Tang Xiuhui |
 | 黃含章女士 | Ms. Huang Hanzhang |
 | 浙江女子師範學校職員徐伍女士 | Ms. Xu Wu, staff at the Zhejiang Normal School for Women |
 | 法學家黃韻濤君與朱筱雲女士結婚圖 | Wedding photo of law expert Mr. Huang Yuntao and Ms. Zhu Xiaoyun |
 | 湯蟄仙先生令媛湯祥芝女士與施薔女士 | Ms. Tang Xiangzhi, daughter of Mr. Tang Zhixian, and Ms. Shi Qiang |
 | 邵顰倩邵蘋青女士 (兩女士有詩文刊入本期文苑欄) | Ms. Shao Pinqian and Shao Pingqing (Both ladies have verses published in the Literary garden column of this issue) |
 | 江蘇省立女子蠶業學校撮影 | Photo of [students] at the Jiangsu Provincial School of Sericulture for Women |
 | 華府冶春詞圖 (一千九百十六年作)/ 大行列 Prepanedness [sic.] Parade | Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (1916)/ Prepanedness [sic.] parade |
 | 華府冶春詞圖(二)/ 白堊宮White | Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (2)/ White [House] |
 | 華府冶春詞圖(三)/ 河壖路 Speedway Along Potomac | Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (3)/ Speedway Along Potomac |
 | 羅斯福羅斯福夫人及孫利卻大培合影 | Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and their grandson Richard Derby Jr. |
 | 嘉禾史夢蘭女士繡字 (史平仲先生寄贈) | Embroidered calligraphy by Ms. Shi Menglan of Jiahe (sent by Mr. Shi Pingzhong) |
 | 嘉禾史夢蘭女士畫野薔薇 (史平仲先生寄贈) | A painting of rambler rose by Ms. Shi Menglan of Jiahe (sent by Mr. Shi Pingzhong) |
 | | A. Wilson Dentist |
 | 帕勒託補劑 | Pailetuo potion |
 | 理想家庭平面圖 | An ideal floor plan of a household |
 | 家庭歲入歲出預算表 | Worksheet for household budget of annual income and expenses |
 | 流水簿 (以一月為度) | Ledger (monthly) |
 | 總清簿 | Balance sheet |
 | 雜用伙食簿 (以一月為度) | Miscellaneous and grocery expenses (monthly) |
 | 統賬結 | Final account |
 | 發酵桶圖 | A barrel for fermentation |
 | 小豆蟲 | Bean beetles |
 | 衣蛾成蟲/ 巢中之幼蟲/ 幼蟲/ 卵 | An adult moth/ a larva in the nest/ a larva/ an egg |
 | 白蟻/ 雌蟻/ 雄蟻/ 兵蟻/ 職蟻 | Termite/ queen ant/ male ant/ soldier ant/ worker ant |
 | 蛹/ 幼蟲/ 卵 | Pupa/ larva/ egg |
 | 蟻之成蟲 | An adult ant |
 | 蠼螋 | An earwig |
 | 蠅 | A fly |
 | 蛹/ 幼蟲/ 卵 | Pupa/ larva/ egg |
 | 捕蠅瓶 | A jar for capturing flies |
 | 蚊 | A mosquito |
 | 卵/ 幼蟲 (孑孓)/ 蛹 (孑孓) | Egg/ larva/ pupa |
 | 圖中寓意 | Story in the picture |
 | 兜安氏秘製保腎丸 | Doans backache kidney pills |