| 黃補中女士,性爽直,待人接物,尤爲和藹,已于上星期六,為新嫁娘矣。(林澤民誌) | Ms Huang Buzhong has a straightforward character. She gets along with people in a very kind way . She got married on last Saturday. (Note by Lin Zemin) |
| 一樣打扮一樣姿態無疑是一樣的愛好運動她們剛從競賽場上囘來得意洋洋好像是默示錄中的四個騎士 | The same style of dress, and the same posture. It is no doubt that they have the same hobby which is doing sports. They just came back from the arena, cheerful and proud, like the four knights in the Book of Revelation |
| 婦女 | Women |
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| 沃度兒 | Odol |
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| 上海女律師錢劍秋女士 | Ms Qian Jianqiu, a female lawyer in Shanghai |
| 長旗袍襯長褲是一九三二年的新流行 | Long Qipao with long trousers underneath is the new trend of 1932 |
| 薄紗晚裝 | Evening dress made of chiffon |
| 好萊塢明星帽子的戴法 | The ways how Hollywood stars wear hats |
| 徐歡新女士性好動高攀於鋼梯上毫不畏懼 | Ms Xu Huanxin is restless by nature. She has no fear at all while climbing up high on a steel ladder |
| 吾國女子,素鮮運動,故身體赢弱,近有摩登女子,畜有良犬,每日必與偕遊公園,既為娛樂,又為鍛鍊身心之媒介也。 | Women of our country seldomly do sports, so their bodies are weak. Recently, there is a modern woman who has a good dog. She walks it everyday in the park. It is both an entertainment and a media of exercising one's body and mind. |
| 東亞體育學校孫意曼女士好運動擅舞蹈。此其活潑之姿態也。 | Ms Sun Yiman from East Asian sports school likes doing sports and is good at dancing. This is her lively gesture. |
| 璇宮豔史中之男女主角珍妮麥唐納與希佛萊作甜吻時之摄影 | Photo taken when the heroin Zhenni Maitangna and the hero Xifolai are kissing sweetly in "The Love Parade" |
| 騎在石獅上的小弟弟活潑天眞 | Lively and innocent little brother sitting on a stone lion |
| 趙連奎先生的大胖兒子 | Mr Zhao Liankui's big fat son |
| 逍遙快樂的女星 | Carefree and happy female stars |
| 以草裙豔舞名噪一時的徐燦鶯 | Xu Canying who enjoyed quite a reputation for her hot hula-hula dance |
| 大飯店 | Grand Hotel |
| 兒童 | Children |
| 文藝 | Literature and art |
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| 電影 | Movies |
| 明星茂那勞在好萊塢雖未臻至高之地位但她生成是一雙妖媚的眼睛感人肉體所以她專飾蕩角 | Although the star Myrna Loy doesn't have the highest position in Hollywood, she is born with a pair of tempting eyes and sexy body. Therefore she is specialized in playing the role of slut |
| 電影女星菲菲桃賽的媚眼 | Charming eyes of female movie star Feifeitaosai |