No. 049 (04 May, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
黃補中女士,性爽直,待人接物,尤爲和藹,已于上星期六,為新嫁娘矣。(林澤民誌) Ms Huang Buzhong has a straightforward character. She gets along with people in a very kind way . She got married on last Saturday. (Note by Lin Zemin)
一樣打扮一樣姿態無疑是一樣的愛好運動她們剛從競賽場上囘來得意洋洋好像是默示錄中的四個騎士 The same style of dress, and the same posture. It is no doubt that they have the same hobby which is doing sports. They just came back from the arena, cheerful and proud, like the four knights in the Book of Revelation
第四十九期要目 Important contents of issue 49
怎樣維持婚後的愛情 how to keep the romance after marriage
婦女 Women
怎樣維持婚後的愛情 how to keep the romance after marriage
男女接吻從此不致傳染 Kissing between man and woman will not lead to infection from now on
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青春期發動的徵象 Signs of the beginning of adolescence
男女接吻從此不致傳染 Kissing between man and woman will not lead to infection from now on
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女性神秘嗎? Are women mysterious?
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女性神秘嗎? Are women mysterious?
男作家的心懷 The breath of mind of male writers
屠夫兼營販女致富 A butcher gets rich by selling women
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男作家的心懷 The breath of mind of male writers
儘管嫁不要昏迷 Get married, but don't lose your consciousness
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儘管嫁不要昏迷 Get married, but don't lose your consciousness
健身丸,玫玲粉,傷風餅,遺精藥,香煙敵 Body-strengthening pills, Meilin powder, cakes for treating the cold, medicine for treating nocturnal emission, the enemy of cigarettes
沒有男友的同學嫉妒我破壞我 Classmates who do not have a boyfriend are jealous of me and jeopardize me
解答疑難 Doubts, difficulties and solutions
華商三和公司代辦函購部 Chinese business, Sanhe company, mail order agent
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沒有男友的同學嫉妒我破壞我 Classmates who do not have a boyfriend are jealous of me and jeopardize me
沃度兒 Odol
沃度兒 Odol
冷水浴 Cold water bath
徵別產婦法 How to identify pregnant women
癩痢治法及預防  Treatment and prevention of favus
介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活 Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life
癩痢治法及預防  Treatment and prevention of favus
握手須知 What you need to know about shaking hands
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案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
同性戀愛歟三角戀愛歟 Homosexual love? Or love triangel?
愛賭的家庭一瞥 A quick glance at a family who love gambling
愛賭的家庭一瞥 A quick glance at a family who love gambling
上海女律師錢劍秋女士 Ms Qian Jianqiu, a female lawyer in Shanghai
長旗袍襯長褲是一九三二年的新流行 Long Qipao with long trousers underneath is the new trend of 1932
薄紗晚裝 Evening dress made of chiffon
好萊塢明星帽子的戴法 The ways how Hollywood stars wear hats
徐歡新女士性好動高攀於鋼梯上毫不畏懼 Ms Xu Huanxin is restless by nature. She has no fear at all while climbing up high on a steel ladder
吾國女子,素鮮運動,故身體赢弱,近有摩登女子,畜有良犬,每日必與偕遊公園,既為娛樂,又為鍛鍊身心之媒介也。 Women of our country seldomly do sports, so their bodies are weak. Recently, there is a modern woman who has a good dog. She walks it everyday in the park. It is both an entertainment and a media of exercising one's body and mind.
東亞體育學校孫意曼女士好運動擅舞蹈。此其活潑之姿態也。 Ms Sun Yiman from East Asian sports school likes doing sports and is good at dancing. This is her lively gesture.
徐歡新女士性好動高攀於鋼梯上毫不畏懼 Ms Xu Huanxin is restless by nature. She has no fear at all while climbing up high on a steel ladder
璇宮豔史中之男女主角珍妮麥唐納與希佛萊作甜吻時之摄影 Photo taken when the heroin Zhenni Maitangna and the hero Xifolai are kissing sweetly in "The Love Parade"
璇宮豔史中之男女主角珍妮麥唐納與希佛萊作甜吻時之摄影 Photo taken when the heroin Zhenni Maitangna and the hero Xifolai are kissing sweetly in "The Love Parade"
騎在石獅上的小弟弟活潑天眞 Lively and innocent little brother sitting on a stone lion
趙連奎先生的大胖兒子 Mr Zhao Liankui's big fat son
逍遙快樂的女星 Carefree and happy female stars
以草裙豔舞名噪一時的徐燦鶯 Xu Canying who enjoyed quite a reputation for her hot hula-hula dance
大飯店 Grand Hotel
育兒須知 What you need to know about raising a child
育兒須知 What you need to know about raising a child
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
電聲日報 Diansheng Daily
精華日報 Jinghua Daily
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
犧牲 (續) Sacrifice (continued)
少女的初戀 (九) The first love of a young girl (part nine)
王開照相館 Wang Kai photo studio
犧牲 (續) Sacrifice (continued)
文藝 Literature and art
拚圖遊戲 Puzzle game
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續定本刊之利益 Benefits of renewing one's subscription of our magazine
弄巧成掘的攝影師 A photographer tried to be smart but only ended up with a blunder
十四嵗女生觀影心理 The mind of fourteen-year-old girls about movies
下期為本刊週年紀念。特增加篇幅至六十四頁。封面兩色版精印。文字全用六號字。仍售大洋一角。分贈親友。最受歡迎。 The next issue is the anniversary commemoration of our magazine. The number of pages will be specially increased to 64. The coverpages will be finely printed with two colors. The size of no. 6 will be used for all the characters. It still costs one jiao and is the most popular gift for relatives and friends.
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中外銀幕瑣聞 Bits of news about Chinese and foreign movies
賈克披克馥三次離異 Jack Pickford has divorced three times
嘉寶不愧騎馬能手 Garbo proves herself to be an expert in horse riding
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日人至多能買服中國的幾個人。對於我們民衆。却 毫無辦法。因爲如果我們老百姓永久的抵制下去。日人祗好向死路走去。 Japanese can buy over no more than a few Chinese, but they are at a complete loss as to what to do about our citizens. Because Japanese can not choose but die if we common people boycott them forever.
中外銀幕瑣聞 Bits of news about Chinese and foreign movies
銀幕情侶 A couple out of the screen
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離婚之愛 - 吉爾勃和克萊離婚以後 Love of divorce - after John Gilbert and (Ina) Claire got divorced
電影 Movies
電影 Movies
明星茂那勞在好萊塢雖未臻至高之地位但她生成是一雙妖媚的眼睛感人肉體所以她專飾蕩角 Although the star Myrna Loy doesn't have the highest position in Hollywood, she is born with a pair of tempting eyes and sexy body. Therefore she is specialized in playing the role of slut
電影女星菲菲桃賽的媚眼 Charming eyes of female movie star Feifeitaosai