| 珍玲之言 | Zhenling's words |
| 安慰失戀女子的一封信 | A letter comforting women who are disappointed in love |
| 玲瓏之言 | Linglong's words |
| 新舊派各有長處 | Both the new group and the old group have their own advantages |
| 抵抗男子淫欲的辦法 | The way of resisting men's desire |
| 如何解決 — 愛慕遠方的男子 | How to solve (this problem) - adoring a man faraway |
| 吻 — 冰淇淋 | Kiss - ice cream |
| 報復 | Revenge |
| 貢獻給童貞女的話(續十七期稿) | Words devoted to virgins (continuing from issue 17) |
| 不堪入耳的醜聞,獸性的任振南案 | A scandal intolerant to the ear, the case of the violent Ren Zhennan |
| 人們的統計 | Statistics of people |
| 關於手的種種 | Various tips about hands |
| 一線之隔 | A fine line's distance |
| 還是冷為妙 | It is better to be cold after all |
| 男子的心:吃著肥的想著瘦的、吃著濕的想著乾的 | Men's heart: missing the thin while having the fat, missing the dry while having the wet |
| 父母須知 | What parents need to know |
| 身體中沒有鐵釘 | There is no iron nail in your body |
| 愛上一個女招待 | To fall in love with a waitress |
| 測驗一百十二人的睡眠姿勢 | Examining the sleeping position of 120 people |
| 一霎那 | In an instant |
| 釋夢(續) | The interpretation of dreams (continued) |
| 兒童食欲的約束 | To control the appetite of children |
| 一二三四 | One, two, three, four |
| 剖婦人心 | Analysing the heart of women |
| 卓別林的一番氣語 | Chaplin's angry remark |
| 郭安慈小史 | Story of Guo Anci |
| “一線之光”郭安慈出馬 | "A beam of light"; Guo Anci is taking the field |
| [No Chinese title] | Geel [girl] I'd like to be your sweetheart |
| 吻 — 菲麗海勿的吻證 | Kiss - the evidence of kiss from Feilihaiwu |
| 海灘之上 | On the beach |
| 南錫卡洛與新聞記者 | Nancy Carroll and journalists |
| 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
| 夏天的娛樂 | Entertainment in summer |