| 婦女時報第十六期目錄 | Funü shibao Issue no.16 Table of Contents |
| 與男子閥抗戰 | Wars of resistance against male domination |
| 論小半臂之害與女子體育 | The harm of "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education |
| 記黃韌之先生演說游歷之略 | Brief notes of the speech given by Mr. Huang Renzhi on his travels |
| 美國女學生與英國女學生 | Female students in the United States and England |
| 肉體上男女能力之比較 | A comparison of the physical ability of men and women |
| 西食衛生烹調法 | Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine |
| 李節母家傳 | The family history of virtuous mother Li |
| 西儒說愛 | Western intellectuals on love |
| 湘痕筆記 (續) | [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued) |
| 讀文文山正氣歌論 | Thoughts after reading Wen Wenshan's [Wen Tianxiang] Song of Honour |
| 活屋 (續) | The living house [The human body] (continued) |
| 琴聲 | Piano sound |
| 記某巫遇盜 | When a witch met a thief |
| 調查婦女月經啟 | Call for participation in the survey about menstruation |
| 暮春即事 | Spontaneously composed in late spring |
| 曹大家 | Caodagu [Ban Zhao] |
| 昭君 | Zhaojun |
| 酬吳辟疆和粱眾異韻 (時辟疆與阮斗膽君奉史來寧) | ? |
| 送南湖先生入都并疊前韻 | For Mr. Nanhu on his departure for the capital |
| 伍員 | Wu Yuan |
| 荊軻 | Jing Ke |
| 贈嚴女士之滬 | For Ms. Yan on her departure for Shanghai |
| 壬子七月之滬舟中即事 | Composed on the boat to Shanghai in the seventh month of ren zi [1912] |
| 春日遣興 | Leisurely composed on a spring day |
| 雨過 | After the rain |
| 春夜偶成 | Spontaneously composed on a spring night |
| 鐙花 | Burnt wick |
| 長至夜口占 | Orally composed during a long night |
| 夜聞春雨 | Listening to the rain on a spring night |
| 送別 | Farewell |
| 閒步南村 | Taking a leisure walk in Nancun |
| 對於通世婦女之针砭 | Admonition for all women of the world |