Funü Shibao
No. 016 (01 February, 1915)
Pages available: 1 - 134 (134 total)
婦女時報第十六號 Funü shibao Issue #16
婦女時報第十六期目錄 Funü shibao Issue no.16 Table of Contents
婦女們的靈驗品 Efficacious [medicine] for women
婦女們的靈驗品/ 總發行所上海四馬路五洲大藥房 Efficacious [medicine] for women/ Distributor Wuzhou pharmacy at Simalu, Shanghai
[佛山婦女] [A woman from Foshan]
凡已曾娶妻者請勿遺此篇/佛山婦女產後失調治癒/ 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸能令婦女康健安樂 Whoever has a wife should not miss this notice/ The postpartum irregular symptoms of a Foshan woman were cured/ Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People can make women healthy and happy
唐友琴女士 (海陸軍廳長唐在禮夫人北京崇實女校校長) Ms. Tang Youqin (Wife of Mr. Tang Zaili, Commander of the navy and army/ Principal of Chongshi Girls' School in Beijing)
吳苑英奇女士肖影 Portrait of Ms. Wu Yuan Yingqi
邵召棠君與曹淑貞女士結婚攝影(前署新加坡總領事曹讓之先生之長女公子) Wedding photo of Mr. Shao Zhaotang and Ms. Cao Shuzhen (Eldest daughter of Mr. Cao Rangzhi, former ambassador to Singapore)
袁艼生君與劉小峰女士結婚撮影紀念 Wedding photo of Mr. Yuan Dingsheng and Ms. Liu Xiaofeng
無錫過楫人君與張時若女士結婚小影 Wedding photo of Mr. Guo Jiren of Wuxi and Ms. Zhang Shiruo
史庭頤君與謝如珍女士結婚攝影/ 民影照相電光攝影 Wedding photo of Mr. Shi Tingyi and Ms. Xie Ruzhen/ Flash photography at Minying photo studio
繡家朱畢靜然女士 Embroidery expert Ms. Zhu Bi Jingran
翟蘊玉女士 Ms. Zhai Yunyu
崇實女校校長沈友琴君與監學章以保教員楊學瓊及學生二人遊頤和園攝影 Photo of Ms. Shen Youqin, principal of Chongshi girls' school, supervisor Zhang Yibao, teacher Yang Xueqiong, and two students during their visit to Yiheyuan
南樓老人寫生 Paintings from nature by Nanlou Laoren
劉玉如女士絲繡品 Embroidery by Ms. Liu Yuru
女子美術刺繡傳習所所長華璂女士絲繡品 Embroidery by Ms. Hua Qi, the principal of the vocational school for embroidery for women
旅滬廣東崇德女學校/ 旅滬廣東仁德義學校 Chongde girls' school of Guangdong in Shanghai/ Rendeyi school of Guangdong in Shanghai
蘇州滄浪亭 Canglang pavilion in Suzhou
中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura The Chujoto Tsumura
中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了 The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺露 Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung
女子修身教科書/教授法 Textbook on self-cultivation for women/ teaching guide
通俗實用/家計簿記教科書 Easy and practical/ textbook on household budgeting and book-keeping
女子新唱歌 New songbook for women
商務印書館發行/ 女子修身教科書教授法/高等小學女子修身教科書詳解/通俗實用家計簿記教科書 Published by Commercial Press/ Textbook on self-cultivation for women/ teaching guide/ Easy and practical/ textbook on household budgeting and book-keeping
珂羅版印敦煌石室秘寶 Treasures inside the caves at Dunhuang, printed by collotype
時報餘興部編輯/ 餘興/ 上海有正書局發行 Edited by the department of Yuxing at “The Eastern Times”/ Yuxing/ Published by Shanghai Youzheng bookstore
六大特色/ 中華民國唯一日刊/ 時報 The six characteristics of Eastern Times/ The only daily in the Republic of China/ Eastern Times
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
與男子閥抗戰 Wars of resistance against male domination
論小半臂之害與女子體育 The harm of "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education
論小半臂之害與女子體育 The harm of "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education
論小半臂之害與女子體育 The harm of "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education
記黃韌之先生演說游歷之略 Brief notes of the speech given by Mr. Huang Renzhi on his travels
記黃韌之先生演說游歷之略 Brief notes of the speech given by Mr. Huang Renzhi on his travels
記黃韌之先生演說游歷之略 Brief notes of the speech given by Mr. Huang Renzhi on his travels
記黃韌之先生演說游歷之略 Brief notes of the speech given by Mr. Huang Renzhi on his travels
美國女學生與英國女學生 Female students in the United States and England
美國女學生與英國女學生 Female students in the United States and England
美國女學生與英國女學生 Female students in the United States and England
肉體上男女能力之比較 A comparison of the physical ability of men and women
肉體上男女能力之比較 A comparison of the physical ability of men and women
肉體上男女能力之比較 A comparison of the physical ability of men and women
肉體上男女能力之比較 A comparison of the physical ability of men and women
肉體上男女能力之比較 A comparison of the physical ability of men and women
肉體上男女能力之比較 A comparison of the physical ability of men and women
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
西食衛生烹調法 Healthy cooking methods in western cuisine
李節母家傳 The family history of virtuous mother Li
李節母家傳 The family history of virtuous mother Li
西儒說愛 Western intellectuals on love
西儒說愛 Western intellectuals on love
西儒說愛 Western intellectuals on love
西儒說愛 Western intellectuals on love
無師自通/婦女必備之技能/ 學習裁縫之捷徑 Self-taught/ a necessary skill for women/ a shortcut to learn tailoring and sewing
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
各學校鑒/習字之好模範 To all schools: good exemplary calligraphy
到民影照相 Please come to have photos taken at the Minying photo studio
到民影照相 Please come to have photos taken at the Minying photo studio
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
湘痕筆記 (續) [Jottings on tearmarks] (continued)
讀文文山正氣歌論 Thoughts after reading Wen Wenshan's [Wen Tianxiang] Song of Honour
中日德法英/ 五國語言合璧 Chinese, Japanese, German, French, English/ Five national languages in one
北宋拓麓山寺碑 Northern Song copy of the ink rubbings of the stone inscriptions at Lushan temple
奉贈儲蓄票/ 上海望平街有正書局總發行所啟 Bank saving coupons to be given away/ Announcement of Youzheng bookstore at Wangping Street in Shanghai
石谷生平第一精品/ 臨宋元十二景 The best work of [Wang] Shigu/ Copies of twelve landscpaes in Song and Yuan paintings
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
活屋 (續) The living house [The human body] (continued)
琴聲 Piano sound
琴聲 Piano sound
琴聲 Piano sound
琴聲 Piano sound
琴聲 Piano sound
琴聲 Piano sound
琴聲 Piano sound
記某巫遇盜 When a witch met a thief
記某巫遇盜 When a witch met a thief
記某巫遇盜 When a witch met a thief
記某巫遇盜 When a witch met a thief
記某巫遇盜 When a witch met a thief
記某巫遇盜 When a witch met a thief
調查婦女月經啟 Call for participation in the survey about menstruation
調查婦女月經啟 Call for participation in the survey about menstruation
暮春即事 Spontaneously composed in late spring
曹大家 Caodagu [Ban Zhao]
昭君 Zhaojun
酬吳辟疆和粱眾異韻 (時辟疆與阮斗膽君奉史來寧) ?
送南湖先生入都并疊前韻 For Mr. Nanhu on his departure for the capital
伍員 Wu Yuan
荊軻 Jing Ke
贈嚴女士之滬 For Ms. Yan on her departure for Shanghai
壬子七月之滬舟中即事 Composed on the boat to Shanghai in the seventh month of ren zi [1912]
壬子七月之滬舟中即事 Composed on the boat to Shanghai in the seventh month of ren zi [1912]
春日遣興 Leisurely composed on a spring day
雨過 After the rain
春夜偶成 Spontaneously composed on a spring night
鐙花 Burnt wick
長至夜口占 Orally composed during a long night
夜聞春雨 Listening to the rain on a spring night
送別 Farewell
閒步南村 Taking a leisure walk in Nancun
對於通世婦女之针砭 Admonition for all women of the world
中堂屏片/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品 Horizontal scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts
行草大字典 Dictionary of running and grass scripts
平等閣筆記 Jottings from the Pingdeng study
新驚鴻影 New photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
新驚鴻影/每冊三元 New photographs of [graces of Shanghai]/ three dollars each
美術家惠鑒/ 有正書局啟 To artists [and art lovers]/ from Youzheng bookstore
原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異 Original copy of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original copy of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
有正書局精印各種碑帖目錄 Catalogue of finely printed ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種碑帖目錄 Catalogue of finely printed ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
美影新式鏡框開幕 New-style picture frames now available
大對聯/ 上海有正書局發行 Large scrolls of poetic couplet/ published by Youzheng bookstore of Shanghai
平等閣詩話 Notes on poetry from the Pingdeng Study
圖中寓意 Meanings in the picture
兜安氏秘製保腎丸 Doans backache kidney pills
兜安氏秘製保腎丸乃世界著名治腎專藥患者試之 Doans backache kidney pills is a world famous medicine for curing kidney disease/ People with symptoms should try it