| 婦女時報第十六號 | Funü shibao Issue #16 |
| 婦女們的靈驗品 | Efficacious [medicine] for women |
| [佛山婦女] | [A woman from Foshan] |
| 亡滕何梅理女士金蘭癸丑夏五﹖年二十三遊後二十一日/甲寅前夕方四日康更生題/﹖遺﹖而神傷也 | |
| 唐友琴女士 (海陸軍廳長唐在禮夫人北京崇實女校校長) | Ms. Tang Youqin (Wife of Mr. Tang Zaili, Commander of the navy and army/ Principal of Chongshi Girls' School in Beijing) |
| 吳苑英奇女士肖影 | Portrait of Ms. Wu Yuan Yingqi |
| 邵召棠君與曹淑貞女士結婚攝影(前署新加坡總領事曹讓之先生之長女公子) | Wedding photo of Mr. Shao Zhaotang and Ms. Cao Shuzhen (Eldest daughter of Mr. Cao Rangzhi, former ambassador to Singapore) |
| 袁艼生君與劉小峰女士結婚撮影紀念 | Wedding photo of Mr. Yuan Dingsheng and Ms. Liu Xiaofeng |
| 無錫過楫人君與張時若女士結婚小影 | Wedding photo of Mr. Guo Jiren of Wuxi and Ms. Zhang Shiruo |
| 史庭頤君與謝如珍女士結婚攝影/ 民影照相電光攝影 | Wedding photo of Mr. Shi Tingyi and Ms. Xie Ruzhen/ Flash photography at Minying photo studio |
| 繡家朱畢靜然女士 | Embroidery expert Ms. Zhu Bi Jingran |
| 翟蘊玉女士 | Ms. Zhai Yunyu |
| 崇實女校校長沈友琴君與監學章以保教員楊學瓊及學生二人遊頤和園攝影 | Photo of Ms. Shen Youqin, principal of Chongshi girls' school, supervisor Zhang Yibao, teacher Yang Xueqiong, and two students during their visit to Yiheyuan |
| 南樓老人寫生 | Paintings from nature by Nanlou Laoren |
| 劉玉如女士絲繡品 | Embroidery by Ms. Liu Yuru |
| 女子美術刺繡傳習所所長華璂女士絲繡品 | Embroidery by Ms. Hua Qi, the principal of the vocational school for embroidery for women |
| 旅滬廣東崇德女學校/ 旅滬廣東仁德義學校 | Chongde girls' school of Guangdong in Shanghai/ Rendeyi school of Guangdong in Shanghai |
| 蘇州滄浪亭 | Canglang pavilion in Suzhou |
| 中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura | The Chujoto Tsumura |
| | A. Wilson Dentist (in English) |
| 女子修身教科書/教授法 | Textbook on self-cultivation for women/ teaching guide |
| 通俗實用/家計簿記教科書 | Easy and practical/ textbook on household budgeting and book-keeping |
| 女子新唱歌 | New songbook for women |
| 到民影照相 | Please come to have photos taken at the Minying photo studio |
| 新驚鴻影 | New photographs of [graces of Shanghai] |
| 圖中寓意 | Meanings in the picture |
| 兜安氏秘製保腎丸 | Doans backache kidney pills |