| 教育部審定/家事教科書/縫級教科書/園術教科書 | Ministry of Education approved books/ Study of home issues/ Study of the science of sewing/ Book on gardening |
 | 初等小學校 最新最善之用書 | Elementary school newest and best books |
 | 單紀教科授書 | Elementary level teaching books |
 | 附設函授學社英文科 | English course available through correspondence school |
 | 英文雜誌 | English Journal, vol. 1, no. 7, supplement |
 | 上海濟生堂大藥房 | Sai Sei Do The Japanese Pharmacy/ Importer and Exporter Druggists |
 | 五洲大藥房 | Five continents pharmacy |
 | 中國精益眼鏡公司 | Chinese optical company |
 | 救急靈藥清快丸 | Emergency medicine Qingkuaiwan |
 | 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Shanghai Chinese-English pharmacy women's health product and makeup |
 | 屈臣民大藥方 | Eumintol |
 | 黃炎培?察教育日記 | Education diary approved by Mr. Huang Yanpei |
 | 共和國教科書 | Republican textbooks |
 | 幼稚用書 | Books for children |
 | 單紀教授講義 | Elementary level teaching materials |
 | 教育家必備之書 | A necessary preparation book for teachers |
 | 小說月報 | Fiction monthly |
 | 各種名勝寫真 | Portraits of various famous sites |
 | 察止朝食論 | Discussion of eating breakfast |
 | 介紹書畫家 | Introduction to painters and calligraphers |
 | 唐宋元明名家法帖 | Illustrious Tang Song Yuan Ming dynasty calligraphers' models to copy |
 | 民國四年適用之新地圖 | Appropriate new map for the 4th year of the Republic |
 | 東方雜誌 | Eastern Miscellany |
 | 教育雜誌/學生雜誌/法政雜誌 | Education review /Student Magazine/ Law and politics magazine |
 | 衛生治療新書 | Book on new treatments for health |
 | 幻燈影片 | Slides of famous places |
 | 高等小學校用書 | Higher level elementary school books |
 | 高等小學校用書 | Higher level elementary school books |
 | 徵集文字圖片 | Call for articles and pictures |
 | | The Ladies' Journal |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸所治愈 | Dr. Williams' pills for pale people |