| 婦女雜誌第一卷第七號(菜調下廚) | Funu zazhi volume 1 issue 8 (preparing food) |
 | 董雙湖女史畫湖莊清暑圖 | Mrs. Dong Shuanghu's painting: A clear summer (day) on Lake Zhuang |
 | 莊蘩詩女士書龔定庵詩 | Professor (female) Zhuang Fanshi's calligraphy of Gong Dingan's poetry |
 | 南蘭陵謝佩珊女士花鳥繡片 | Professor (female) Xie Peishan bird and flower embroidery |
 | 比利時皇后訓子圖 | Queen of Belgium teaching (her son?) |
 | 上海女子運動會攝影 | Photographs from the women's athletic conference |
 | 中國精益眼鏡公司 | Chinese optical company |
 | 手拿雨傘的日本婦女 | A Japanese woman who is holding an umbrella |
 | 巴拿馬博覽會女董事小影 | Photograph of women directors of the Panama international exhibition |
 | 吳興城西女學校女教員?學生全體攝影 | Teachers and students from the Wu Xing Cheng Xi girls' school |
 | 花結術概論 --第一圖,第二圖--第十二圖 | Instructions for creating knotted flowers--Figs. 1-12 |
 | 幼稚用書 | Books for children |
 | 帆布床挂於木架式(上張天?) | Self-hanging hammock with an awning |
 | 布床打包式/綱床?於樹枝式/?床作??式/?床樹於木架式(上藍天幔) | four images of hammocks-hung between two trees, in its case, hung outside |
 | 帆布床挂於樹枝式/綱床?於木杆上 | Hanging a hammock between two trees/Hanging a hammock from two posts and guide wires |
 | | Base and Floor one continuous piece |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸 | Dr. Williams' pills for pale people |