Funü zazhi
No. 009 (05 September, 1915)
Pages available: 1 - 214 (214 total)
女子修身/女子國文/女子新國文/女子唱歌Cultivating moral character for girls/ Books for the study of national language/Books for the study of the new national language/Girls' song book
單紀教授講義Elementary level teaching materials
Correspondence School English Course
英文雜誌/教育雜誌English Journal/ Education Journal
英語周刊English Weekly
上海濟生堂大藥房Sai Sei Do The Japanese Pharmacy/ Importer and Exporter Druggists
五洲大藥房Wuzhou drugstore
東方雜誌十二卷第八號要目Table of Contents, volume 12, issue 8, Eastern Journal
商人寶鑑Treasury for bussinessmen
上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品Helpful products for women's health in Shanghai zhongying pharmacy
共和國教科書Republican text book
小學游技 Elementary school experiments
衛生方法之研究Research in public health methods
初等小學校 最新最善之用書Elementary school newest and best books
作文之好模範Good models of composition writing
小說月報Fiction monthly
英華日用字典English Chinese dictionary of common words
讀經者鑒Confucian classics
各種名勝寫真Portraits of various famous sites
五彩地圖Multicolored maps
兒童用書Books for children
中學共和國教科書Republican middle school textbooks
民國新教科書Republican new text book
學生字典/學生雜誌/學生必携Student dictionary/ Student journal/ A necessary carry along book for students
農商部咨行各省巡按使明白曉諭上海商務印書館確係完全華股文Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce
商務印書館出版新書New books published by the Commercial Press
商務印書館出版新書 (二)New books published by the Commercial Press (two)
徵集文字圖片Call for articles and pictures
The Ladies' Journal
凡已曾娶妻者請勿遺此篇/佛山婦女產後失調治癒/ 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸能令婦女康健安樂Whoever has a wife should not miss this notice/ The postpartum irregular symptoms of a Foshan woman were cured/ Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People can make women healthy and happy