| 學生字典 | Students' dictionary |
 | 附設函授學社英文科 | English course available through correspondence school |
 | 東三省紀略 | Book on three provinces in Northeastern China |
 | 上海濟生堂大藥房 | Shanghai Shiseido pharmacy |
 | 五洲大藥房 | Five continents pharmacy |
 | 中國精益眼鏡公司 | Chinese optical company |
 | 救急靈藥清快丸 | Emergency medicine Qingkuaiwan |
 | 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Shanghai Chinese-English pharmacy women's health product and makeup |
 | 優名塔牙水 | Eumintol |
 | 共和國教科書 | Republican science textbooks |
 | 教育部審定初等小學單紀學校用書 | Ministry of Education approved books primary education |
 | 教育部審定女子中學師範通用 | Ministry of Education approved books for use in model (normal) women's middle school education |
 | 宣講必備之書 | Essentials of public speaking |
 | 師範學校新教科書/教育部審定 | New textbook for normal school approved the Ministry of Education |
 | 義黑 | Secret Justice |
 | 羅剎雌風 | |
 | 交通部批准/各電局一律通用/親民電報彙編 | Ministry of communications approved /all commonly used telegraph codes/Qinmin telegraph collection |
 | 四部舉要 | Enumeration in four sections |
 | 各種名勝寫真 | Portraits of various famous sites |
 | 教育雜誌/東方雜誌/法政雜誌 | Education review / Oriental magazine/ Law and politics magazine |
 | 中外地圖 | Chinese and Foreign maps |
 | 儀器文具/學校用品 | Writing instruments/ school articles |
 | 英華日用字典/英華新字彙 | English-Chinese dictionary of words in daily use/ New collection of English-Chinese words |
 | 徵集文字圖片 | Call for articles and pictures |
 | | The Ladies' Journal |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸所治愈 | Dr. Williams pills for pale people |