| 婦女雜誌第一卷第九號(心關裒菜) | Funu zazhi volume 1 issue 9 () |
| 女子修身--教科書,教授法 | Cultivation of one's body--textbook, teaching methods |
| 女子唱歌 | Female songs |
| 采芝圖 徐積餘先生藏本 (蕭雲從畫仙女) | Female celestial painted by Xiao Yuncong from the collection of Mr. Xu Jiyu |
| 藕花香雨圖王蘊文女史繡 | |
| 泉唐汪靜姝女士水彩畫 | |
| 周鍾玉女史篆書 | Mrs. Zhou Zhongyu's seal carving style calligraphy |
| 英國蘭文德山女校學生向國旗行敬禮 | England's Lavender Hill girls' school students salute the flag |
| 崇明尚志女學校校長施學詩小影 | Portrait of Shi Xueshi, headmistress of the Cong Ming Shangzi girls' school |
| 吳興城西女學校高小初小畢業攝影 | Graduating students from the Wu Xing Cheng Xi girls' school |
| 黑龍江省立女子教養院第一次攝影 | The first photo from the Heilongjiang provincial reformatory girls' school |
| 第一圖 | figure one |
| 第二圖, 第三圖,第四圖 | figure two, figure three, figure four |
| 第五圖,第六圖 | figure five, figure six |
| 第七圖,第八圖 | figure seven, figure eight |
| 第九圖,第十圖,第十一圖 | figure nine, figure ten, figure eleven |
| 第十二圖,第十三圖 | figure twelve, figure thirteen |
| | no caption |
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| 第二十圖 | figure twenty |
| 第二十一圖,第二十二圖 | figure twenty one, figure twenty two |
| 凡已曾娶妻者請勿遺此篇 | Whoever has a wife should not miss this notice (woman holding a baby) |