No. 099 (14 June, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 60 (60 total)
玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
定戶注意Announcement to Subscribers
緒綸綢緞大同行Xuguan Silk Trading Company, Datong Branch
下期本刊為兩周年百期紀念特刊,篇幅增大,內容精彩The next issue will be our 200th issue anniversary, the pages are expanded and the content is fantastic.
外埠讀者to readers in other cities
案件評述Comment on law cases
月月紅,女界寶China Rose, women's treasure
廣告刊例Published examples of advertisement
定報價目The subscription price
贈送國民政府航空公路獎券The Nationalist Government Lottery Tickets of the Public Transportation to be distributed
嬌滴 指甲水拭淨水Joy Dip Nail Remover
情書展覽Love Letters on Display
速購連環利益券please buy the interest coupon as soon as possible
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)