| 中國女子裁縫手工教科書/ 女子書翰文/ 名媛尺牘/ 黃石齋夫人書孝經墨跡 | Textbooks on tailoring, sewing and handicrafts for Chinese women/ Exemplary essays by women/ Letters by gentry women/ Xiaojing, calligraphy by the wife of Huang Shizai |
 | 習字之好模範 | Good exemplary work for learning calligraphy |
 | 各學校適用/ 習字範本 | Suitable for all schools/ exemplary calligraphy |
 | 上海有正書局精印發行/ 大中堂 | Published and printed by Youzheng bookstore of Shanghai/ Large horizontal scrolls |
 | 對聯/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品 | Poetic couplet scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts |
 | 中西大藥方老牌牛肉汁今又新到 | A new shipment of the Old brand beef broth has arrived |
 | 上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 | Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry) |
 | 帕勒托大補劑/ 功能補血補腦強身強種 | Pailetuo potion is able to improve the quality of blood, enhance and strengthen the brain and the body |
 | 有正書局最新出版/ 虫草花卉習畫帖... | Newly published by Youzheng Bookstore/ Painting manual of insects, plants and flowers |
 | 三希堂法帖/ 霓裳艷影/ 美人大畫片 | Ink rubbing of the Sanxitang calligraphy/Glamorous photos of women in beautiful fashion/ Large colour prints of beautiful women |
 | 文學津粱/ 聖嘆選古文/ 文字初恍 | Exemplary literary works/ Classical essays selected by Shengtan/ Understanding words [etymology] |
 | 小說時報/ 第念七號 | Fiction Times/ Issue 7 |
 | 兜安氏秘製保腎丸 | Doans backache kidney pills |