| 能增女界絕大之幸福 | [This product can] greatly enhance the happiness of women |
 | 天津命婦曾患胃疾為韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸所治愈 | Woman from Tianjin had been suffering from stomach ache. She was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. |
 | 婦女技藝造花材料器具一概俱全 | Large selection of equipment and supplies for women’s craft - paper flower making |
 | 子宮病血之道藥/ 中將湯 | The Chujoto Tsumura (medicine for uterine blood disease) |
 | 家家宜備之良劑/ 口中香品清醒丸 | A great pill for every family/ Refreshing pills for the mouth |
 | 華產精造雙龍牙粉行將出現之報告 | Report on the forthcoming Chinese-made Double Dragon Tooth Powder |
 | 女界注意保壽險益壽膠 | Attention Women: Yishoujiao for longevity |
 | 女學界聯名歡迎沈製鏡面散 | Female students welcome the Shen Brand face powder |
 | 上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡 | Watches and Eye Glasses at the Shanghai Hengdeli Company |
 | 上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡 | Watches and Eye Glasses at the Shanghai Hengdeli Company |
 | 勝家縫紉女學校招生 | Singer School of Tailoring for Women recruiting students |
 | 上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 | suo Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of denturing) |
 | 謀得利總公司發行所廣告/ 特別大減價 | Advertisement for the Moudeli Company/ Special sale |
 | 瑞嘉洋行經理固本廠上等肥皂各種香水/ | Ruijia Company's Guben Factory produced superior soap and perfumes |
 | 中西大藥方老牌牛肉汁今又新到 | A new shipment of the Old brand beef broth has arrived |
 | 夏士蓮雪花 | Hazeline Snow |
 | 各地婦女之職業 | Women's occupations in all regions |
 | 有正書局各種美術圖畫價目 | Pricelist of art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局精印各種圖畫價目 | Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 | Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 | Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局各種書籍發行 | Books published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄 | Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局發行各種碑帖價目 | Pricelist of ink rubbing published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目 | Pricelist of ink rubbing and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄 | Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 有正書局各種書籍發行 | Books published by Youzheng Bookstore |
 | 湘南林影斐女士服月光鐵丸有效見胎七律兩章 | The Yueguangtie pills has good effects on Ms. Lin Yingfei from Xiangnan. She composed two poems [to thank the drug maker] |
 | 請看音樂家的保證 | Please read the guarantee [testimonial] of a musician |