| 目錄 | Table of contents |
 | 若恩達克Jeanne d'Arc 記 | About Jeanne d'Arc |
 | 婦女心理學 | Women's psychology |
 | 對於女學生之卮言 | My humble advice to female students |
 | 最大的敬告 | Most respectful address to [all women] |
 | 論貴族婦女有革除妝飾奢侈之責 | On wealthy women's responsibility to eliminate lavish spending on make-up and fashion |
 | 婦人之衛生雜話 | Miscellaneous comments on women's hygiene |
 | 理想中之新家庭 | The ideal new family |
 | 金陵遊記 | Jinling [Nanjing] Travelogue |
 | 飛行日記 | Diary of [my] flying [experience] |
 | 將奈何 | Helpless |
 | 西班牙皇后之賢淑 | Virtues of the Spanish Queen |
 | 論土耳其女子 | On Turkish women |
 | 虛無美人 | The anarchist beauty |
 | 虛榮 (第六章﹐ 第七章) | Vanity (Chapter 6, Chapter 7) |
 | 摘棉之製法 | Making crafts with cotton |
 | 男服裁法 (續) | Sewing patterns for men's clothing (continued) |
 | 婦人病及他種疾病之運動療法 | Exercises to cure gynecological problems and other illnesses |
 | 致赤十字會會長張竹君女士書 | Letter to Ms. Zhang Zhujun, President of the Red Cross Society |
 | 讀外子輓黃公續君七古一章為賦四絕 | Four poems (fu) composed after reading my husband's lament for Mr. Guang Xujun in the form of seven [ancient-style poems] and one [essay] |
 | 民立女中學堂本科四年生畢業全體學生頌詞 | Speech by the 4th year graduating class of Minli Girls' Middle School |
 | 味莼園剪髮大會顧而書此 | Written after [observing] a hair-cutting meeting in Weichun Garden |
 | 閨情 | A woman’s love |
 | 集古四首 | Four poems on antiquity |
 | 楊古醞先生八十逸懷詩家大人既步原韻/ 命枋勉和謹仿轆轆體呈政 | |
 | 弔古六章 | Six poems on famous people from the past |
 | 詠荀灌 | Ode to Xun Guan |
 | 遊龍華作 | Written after visiting Longhua [district of Haikou City, Hainan] |
 | 春夜不寐 調寄浪淘沙 | Sleepless on a spring night, in the melody of Langtaosha |
 | 題舞劍圖 調寄金鏤曲 | Colophon for the painting Wielding Sword. A song lyric in the melody of Jinlouqu |
 | 送春二首 | Two poems composed to bid farewell to spring |
 | 感事 | Moved by events |
 | 雙忽雷紀事 | A few things about the two Hulei [琵琶 pipa] |