《東方雜誌》二十六卷第一號要目, The Eastern Miscellany the contents of volume 26 issue 1
Brand: 東方雜誌, The Eastern Miscellany
Keywords: politics, law, war, America, economics, philosophy, France, Germany, peasants, population, Tibet , personality, Save the nation, Soviet Union,
(Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, Translator, Author), Alfred Bernhard Nobel (mentioned in advertisement), Edward Samuel Corwin Aidehua Samoer Kewen (Author), Maurice Andubert-Boussat (Author), Robert René Kuczynski (Author), Walter Lippmann (Author), 之學 Zhi Xue (Author), 任二北 Ren Erbei (Author), 何世桢 He Shizhen (Author), 哲生 Zhe Sheng (Author), 張銳 Zhang Rui (Author), 徼知 Jiao Zhi (Author), 朔一 Shuo Yi (Author), 育幹 Yu Gan (Author), 荷佛 He Fo (mentioned in advertisement), 陳清華 Chen Qinghua (Author), 頌華 Song Hua (Author),