美術與人生的關係/ 把它寫奉於讀者, The relationship between art and life/ Write it for the reader
王歷瀾 Wang Yalan (Author), 蔡元培 Cai Yuanpei (mentioned in article),
Keywords: theatre, arts and crafts, beauty, Literature,
美術與人生的關係/ 甚麼生活革命, The relationship between art and life/ What is life revolution
Goethe (mentioned in article), 克拉利克 Kelalike (mentioned in article), 孟子 Meng Zi (mentioned in article), 密舍 Mishe (mentioned in article), 徐鶴林 Xu Helin (Author), 昂第勒 Angdile (mentioned in article), 昆爾侖 Kunerlun (mentioned in article), 李劼人 Li Jieren (mentioned in article), 瞿渥 Quwo (mentioned in article), 科路倫科 Kelulunke (mentioned in article), 納斯 Nasi (mentioned in article), 莫泊三 Mobosan (mentioned in article), 霍姆 Huomu (mentioned in article), 高特 Gaote (mentioned in article),
Keywords: arts and crafts, song,