© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
本星期明星日記, diaries on the lives of stars of this week
史璜生 Shihuangsheng (mentioned in article), 孟郁 Meng Yu (mentioned in article), 巴賴妮格里 Balai Nigeli (mentioned in article), 曼麗畢克馥 Manli Bikefu (mentioned in article), 柯倫莫亞 Kelun Moya (mentioned in article), 盧迪法萊 Ludi Falai (mentioned in article), 范朋克 Fanpengke (mentioned in article), 雷台賽 Lei Taisai (mentioned in article), 麥珂密 Maikemi (mentioned in article),
Keywords: stars,
五月裏生日的明星, stars who are born in May
嘉利古柏 Jiali Gubo (mentioned in article), 摩蓮奧莎莉文 Molian Aushaliwen (mentioned in article), 琵莉朵芙 Bili Duofu (mentioned in article), 詹姆斯鄧 Zhanmusi Deng (mentioned in article),
Keywords: stars,