© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
貢獻給童貞女的話(未完), Words devoted to virgins (to be continued)
張品惠 Zhang Pinhui (Author), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),
Keywords: marriage,
聖瑪利亞畢業生進行入場表演時之攝影 Photo of the entrance performance by the graduates from St. Mary (Girls' School)
Keywords: women's education,
(Photographer), 聖瑪利亞女校 Shengmaliya nu xiao (mentioned in caption),
晏摩氏女校畢業生自學校進行至禮堂時之攝影兩旁為低班生手持冬青葉索引領畢業生 Photo of the graduates of Anmo Girls' School proceeding from school to the assembly hall. Lower grade students at both sides are holding a rope made from holly leaves to lead the way for the graduates
Keywords: women's education,
(Photographer), 晏摩女校 Yanmo nu xiao (mentioned in caption),