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女優發逹, Reaching out to superior women
尤金培 You Jinpei (mentioned in article), 杜云美 Du Yunmei (mentioned in article), 楊翠喜 Yang Cuixi (mentioned in article), 金紫櫻 Jin Ziying (mentioned in article),
Keywords: theatre, women's occupation,
熱心女學, Excited about women's learning
友三 Yousan (Author), 張仲山 Zhang Zhongshan (mentioned in article),
Keywords: women's education, schools, Japan, overseas studies,
老婦興學, Old women and learning
友三 Yousan (Author), 梅女士 Mei nushi (mentioned in article),
Keywords: women's education, schools, Japan, overseas studies,
秋季運動, Movements in autumn
Keywords: sports, women's education, physical education,