© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
南潯女界, Female society in Nanxun
紀琴韻 Ji Qinyun (mentioned in article),
無錫女界, Female society in Wuxi
施蘭英 Shi Lanying (mentioned in article), 沈靜英 Shen Jingying (mentioned in article), 許邦秀 Xu Bangxiu (mentioned in article),
Keywords: America, women, student,
南翔女界, Female society in Nanxiang
王湘齡 Wang Xiangling (mentioned in article), 王琪齡 Wang Qiling (mentioned in article),
Keywords: America, the state of Chinese womanhood,
蘇州女界, Female society in Suzhou
吳靜嘉 Wu Jingjia (mentioned in article), 唐忠貞 Tang Zhongzhen (mentioned in article), 屠燮經 Tu Xiejing (mentioned in article), 彭頌田 Peng Songtian (mentioned in article), 江蘭陵 Jiang Lanling (mentioned in article), 沈孟圓 Shen Mengyuan (mentioned in article), 沈孟淵 Shen Mengyuan (mentioned in article), 沈蓁庭 Shen Zhenting (mentioned in article), 王季山 Wang Jishan (mentioned in article), 程孟環 Cheng Menghuan (mentioned in article), 胡厚生 Hu Housheng (mentioned in article), 蔣伯斧 Jiang Bofu (mentioned in article), 蔣季和 Jiang Jihe (mentioned in article), 蔣振懦 Jiang Zhennuo (mentioned in article), 蔣鳳梧 Jiang Fengwu (mentioned in article), 蘇麗雯 Su Liwen (mentioned in article), 謝長達 Xie Changda (mentioned in article), 陳星昭 Chen Xingzhao (mentioned in article), 陶復權 Tao Fuquan (mentioned in article),
Keywords: foot binding, foot unbinding,