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題自由結婚第二編十首, The second of ten verses on freedom in marriage
吹萬 Chuiwan (Author),
讀肄業日本同文學校中國少年女子文章, Upon reading the essays composed by young women studying at the Tongwen school in Japan
靈石 Lingshi (Author),
Keywords: women's education,
和筠清女士題女界鐘, In harmony with lady scholar Yunqing on Women's Bell
勇人 Yong ren (Author), 筠清 Yunqing (mentioned in article),
Keywords: nationalism, Freedom,
和筠青女士憂國吟之三, Three chants in harmony with lady scholar Yunqing on worrying about the country
筠青 Yunqing (mentioned in article), 華相眾生 Hua xiang zhong sheng (Author),
Keywords: nationalism, express emotions,