明星公司新演員徐來女士之男裝 - Ms. Xu Lai is wearing a man's outfit. She is a new actress of the Mingxing Company.
Painter/Photograph: 現代 Xiandai (Photographer)
Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Keywords: stars, movies, gender , cross-dressing,
(depicted on image, mentioned in caption)
明星公司 Ming xing gong si (mentioned in caption)
王人美和薛玲仙在閔行留影 - Wang Renmai and Xue Lingxian photographed as they were traveling in Min
Painter/Photograph: 宗惟賡 Zong Weigeng (Photographer)
Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Keywords: stars, movies, travel,
(mentioned in caption, depicted on image, depicted on image, mentioned in caption)