Notes: 全年二元五角; 每册五分; 發行所:東京牛込區馬場下町
A full year is 2 yuan 5 jiao; a single issue is 5 fen; Published at: Tokyo, Ushigome section, shitamachi; Magazine for the New Chinese Woman
Category: Printed materials
The second issue is already out; a full year is two yuan; a single issue is two jiao; the third issue is being printed
Category: Printed materials
Category: Printed materials
中國新女界雜誌 - Magazine for the New Chinese Woman
Brand: 中國新女界雜誌 - Magazine for the New Chinese WomanNotes: 全年二元五角; 每册五分; 發行所:東京牛込區馬場下町
A full year is 2 yuan 5 jiao; a single issue is 5 fen; Published at: Tokyo, Ushigome section, shitamachi; Magazine for the New Chinese Woman
Category: Printed materials
Keywords: advertisement, magazines,
中國女報 - Chinese Women's Journal
Notes: 第二期已出版; 全年二元; 每冊二角; 第三期印刷中; 發行所:上海北四川路厚德里; 中國女報館The second issue is already out; a full year is two yuan; a single issue is two jiao; the third issue is being printed
Category: Printed materials
Keywords: advertisement, newspapers,
高等女學代數學教科書 - Textbook for upper level girls' school on algebra
Notes: 是書為留學日本振武學校業生楊君邦藩編輯適於高等女學校教科之用現已付印不日出版特此預告。。又朱君傑譯 “高等女學"生理衛生教科書本社記者著。 “高等女學”音樂教科書均已告成不日待印Category: Printed materials
Keywords: advertisement,
朱士傑 Zhu Shijie (mentioned in advertisement)
楊邦藩 Yang Bangfan (mentioned in advertisement)