Nüzi Shijie
No. 006 (14 June, 1904)
Page: 088 (102 total)

女界明星 - Bright stars from the world of women

Column title: 記事: 内國 - Record of events: Domestic
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education, the state of Chinese womanhood, nurse, women's occupation,

張竹君 Zhang Zhujun (mentioned in article)

蒙古女學 - Mongolian girls' school

Column title: 記事: 外國 - Record of events: foreign
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: women's education, foreign news , foreign women, Japan, Mongolia,

河原操子 Heyuan Caozi (mentioned in article)

婦人會議 - Female societies conduct meetings

Column title: 記事: 外國 - Record of events: foreign
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: America, foreign news , foreign women,

女界武風 - The martial breeze from the women's realm

Column title: 記事: 外國 - Record of events: foreign
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: foreign news , foreign women, Japan,