No. 117 (25 October, 1933)
Page: 041 (64 total)

第十屆遠東我國女子田徑游泳理想隊 - Tenth chinese dream team in female athletic and swimming of far east

Subject matters: 新聞 - news,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: swim, female athlete ,

(mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article)
劉桂珍 Liu Guizhen (mentioned in article)
孟健麗 Meng Jianli (mentioned in article)
張潔琼 Zhang Jieqiong (mentioned in article)
朱天真 Zhu Tianzhen (mentioned in article)
李媛芬 Li Yuanfen (mentioned in article)
梁泳嫻 Liang Yongxian (mentioned in article)
楊秀珍 Yang Xiuzhen (mentioned in article)
鄒善德 Zou Shande (mentioned in article)
陳榮明 Chen Rongming (mentioned in article)
陳煥瓊 Chen Huanqiong (mentioned in article)
陳玉輝 Chen Yuhui (mentioned in article)

西裝研究 - suit study

Subject matters: Caricature,
Medium: Line drawing

Function: Related to Article/Ad

Additional information:
three men in black suits

Keywords: fashion and beauty, attire, clothing, dress,


西裝研究 - Studying Suits

Brand: ABC公司 - ABC Company
Notes: "人要衣裝"但極好之材料所製式樣惡劣之西裝,自不能增加美觀。式新工精,稱身熨貼之西裝,穿之令人精神飽滿,身價十倍,君必至ABC定製,方能稱心滿意,而且價廉,該公司在上海南京路。

Category: Manufactured products

Keywords: fashion and beauty,