| Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 23, page: 32, 33 - depicted on image |
得總分第一山東女生朱天真跳遠打破全國紀錄者 | de zong fen di yi Shandong nu sheng Zhu Tianzhen tiao yuan da po quan guo ji lu zhe | Zhu Tianzhen from Shandong got the championship in the long jump and broke the national record |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 23, page: 32, 33 - mentioned in caption |
得總分第一山東女生朱天真跳遠打破全國紀錄者 | de zong fen di yi Shandong nu sheng Zhu Tianzhen tiao yuan da po quan guo ji lu zhe | Zhu Tianzhen from Shandong got the championship in the long jump and broke the national record |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 24, page: 33 - depicted on image |
女子在體育上的技能(攝於青島華北運動會):朱天真女士跳遠之姿勢 | nu zi sai ti yu shang de ji neng (she yu Qingdao Huabei yun dong hui ): Zhu Tianzhen nu shi tiao yuan zhi zi shi | Women's ability in sport (shot at the Huabei Athelete Meet): Ms. Zhu Tianzhen doing long jump |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 24, page: 33 - mentioned in caption |
女子在體育上的技能(攝於青島華北運動會):朱天真女士跳遠之姿勢 | nu zi sai ti yu shang de ji neng (she yu Qingdao Huabei yun dong hui ): Zhu Tianzhen nu shi tiao yuan zhi zi shi | Women's ability in sport (shot at the Huabei Athelete Meet): Ms. Zhu Tianzhen doing long jump |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 38, page: 33 - depicted on image |
山東小姐朱天真女士 | Shangdong xiao jie Zhu Tianzhen nu shi | Miss Shandong Zhu Tianzhen |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 38, page: 33 - mentioned in caption |
山東小姐朱天真女士 | Shangdong xiao jie Zhu Tianzhen nu shi | Miss Shandong Zhu Tianzhen |