| 婦女雜誌 | The Ladies' Journal volume 2 number eleven |
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 | 婦女雜誌第二卷第十一號目錄 | Table of Contents, volume 2, issue eleven, Funu zazhi |
 | 婦女雜誌第二卷第十一號目錄 | Table of Contents, volume 2, issue eleven, Funu zazhi |
 | 女子必讀之書 | Must reads for women |
 | 英文雜誌 | English Journal |
 | 和盛 | Wo Shing |
 | 三色版精印蒙得梭利教育用具圖 | Teaching tools for Montessori-style learning (three-coloured fine printed picture) |
 | 五代李昇畫青山紅樹樓臺 | Five Dynasties painter Li Sheng's blue mountains and red trees pavilion |
 | 王蔣淑芳女史畫墨蘭二幅 | Two ink-paintings of orchids by Wang Jian Shu Fang |
 | 王蔣淑芳女史畫墨蘭二幅 | Two ink-paintings of orchids by Wang Jian Shu Fang |
 | 長生不老法/靜坐三年 | Law of Immortality/Three years of quietly sitting |
 | 英語周刊 | English Weekly |
 | 孫琴西先生墨蹟四幅 | Four calligraphic texts by Mr. Sun Qinxi |
 | 孫琴西先生墨蹟四幅 | Four calligraphic texts by Mr. Sun Qinxi |
 | 日記日曆 | New daily diaries |
 | 殿版四史 | Back issues of the 4 histories |
 | 愛讀婦女雜誌者福建吳曾予紉之家庭攝影 | Photograph of a Ladies' Journal reader Wu Ceng Yu Ren's home in Fujian |
 | 美國國民弓術研究會女會員競技之圖 | Photograph of the American national women's archery tournament |
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 | 社說 | Editorial [title page] |
 | 社說 | Editorial [title page] |
 | 英文雜誌 | English Journal vol. two issue 11 |
 | 述曾文正公家訓 | Relating to the book "Zeng Wen Zheng Gong Jia Xue" |
 | 述曾文正公家訓 | Relating to the book "Zeng Wen Zheng Gong Jia Xue" |
 | 西神客話 | Xi Shen Ke's commentaries |
 | 述曾文正公家訓 | Relating to the book "Zeng Wen Zheng Gong Jia Xue" |
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 | 學藝門 | Learning and skills [title page] |
 | 學藝門 | Learning and skills [title page] |
 | 僧帽 | Monk's hat (type of jellyfish) |
 | 函授學社英文科 | English correspondence courses |
 | 蟲蚜 | insects |
 | 動植物之愛情 | The love of flora and fauna |
 | 動植物之愛情 | The love of flora and fauna |
 | 捕蠅草 | Venus flytrap |
 | 愛蟻草 | |
 | 動植物之愛情 | The love of flora and fauna |
 | 動植物之愛情 | The love of flora and fauna |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 第一圖 | Figure one |
 | 神通力婦人列傳(續) | Shen Tongli biographies of exemplary women (continued) |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 第二圖 | Figure two |
 | 第三圖 | Figure three |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 第四圖 | Figure four |
 | 第五圖 | Figure five |
 | 第六圖 | Figure six |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 第七圖 | Figure seven |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 腦筋與肌肉的教育 | Educating the brain and muscles |
 | 家政門 | Home economics [title page] |
 | 家政門 | Home economics [title page] |
 | 家庭教育之利器 | Useful tools for household education |
 | 家庭功效論 譯 Pearsons Magazine | Discussion of household efficacy |
 | 家庭功效論 譯 Pearsons Magazine | Discussion of household efficacy |
 | 家庭功效論 譯 Pearsons Magazine | Discussion of household efficacy |
 | 家庭功效論 譯 Pearsons Magazine | Discussion of household efficacy |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 家教改良談(續) | Discussing improving tutoring (education in the home) (continued) |
 | 記述門 | Records [title page] |
 | 記述門 | Records [titlepage] |
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 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 南游日記 | Dairy of a southern tour |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 小學校校風譚 | Translating elementary school spirit |
 | 中外大事記 | Accounts of events in China and overseas [title page] |
 | 中外大事記 | Accounts of events in China and overseas [title page] |
 | 東方雜誌 十三卷第十號出版 | Eastern Miscellany vol. 13 no. 10 published |
 | 近二個月之歐戰八月二十一至十月二十日 | The last two months of the European war ( August 21- October 20th) |
 | 近二個月之歐戰八月二十一至十月二十日 | The last two months of the European war ( August 21- October 20th) |
 | 近二個月之歐戰八月二十一至十月二十日 | The last two months of the European war ( August 21- October 20th) |
 | 近二個月之歐戰八月二十一至十月二十日 | The last two months of the European war ( August 21- October 20th) |
 | 近二個月之歐戰八月二十一至十月二十日 | The last two months of the European war ( August 21- October 20th) |
 | 家人子語 | Family language |
 | 國文範作 | Exemplary essays [title page] |
 | 國文範作 | Exemplary essays [title page] |
 | 殿版二十四史 | Back issues of the 24 histories |
 | 鄭丐傳 | Biography of beggar Zheng |
 | 鄭丐傳 | Biography of beggar Zheng |
 | 鄭丐傳 | Biography of beggar Zheng |
 | 鄭丐傳 | Biography of beggar Zheng |
 | 鄭丐傳 | Biography of beggar Zheng |
 | 諸葛武侯前出師表書後 | After reading Zhuge Wuhou's "Chu shi biao" shu hou |
 | 諸葛武侯前出師表書後 | After reading Zhuge Wuhou's "Chu shi biao" shu hou |
 | 諸葛武侯前出師表書後 | After reading Zhuge Wuhou's "Later Chu shi biao" shu hou |
 | 沃土之民不材瘠土之民嚮義論 | |
 | 晉文公殺顛頡論 | Discussion of Jin Wengong's murder of Dian Jie |
 | 晉文公殺顛頡論 | Discussion of Jin Wengong's murder of Dian Jie |
 | 書韓退之答劉秀才論史書後 | After reading Han Da Liu Xiu Cai |
 | 書韓退之答劉秀才論史書後 | After reading Han Da Liu Xiu Cai |
 | 書韓退之答劉秀才論史書後 | After reading Han Da Liu Xiu Cai |
 | 書韓退之答劉秀才論史書後 | After reading Han (Yu)'s upon his retirement: Da Liu Xiu Cai |
 | 擬復謝輓誄本校金宮芸女士詩歌文啟 | |
 | 擬復謝輓誄本校金宮芸女士詩歌文啟 | |
 | 擬復謝輓誄本校金宮芸女士詩歌文聯啟 | Draft of eulogy for Mrs Jin Gongyun's poetry from our school |
 | 擬復謝輓誄本校金宮芸女士詩歌文聯啟 | Draft of eulogy for Mrs Jin Gongyun's poetry from our school |
 | 擬復謝輓誄本校金宮芸女士詩歌文聯啟 | Draft of eulogy for Mrs Jin Gongyun's poetry from our school |
 | 代任校長擬謝輓誄本校金宮芸女士詩文啟 | On behalf of the head of school: Draft of eulogy for Mrs. Jin Gongyun's poetry |
 | 孟母斷機教子論 | Discussing the story "Mencius' mother Breaking the loom to teach the child" |
 | 文范 | Literary garden [title page] |
 | 文苑 | Literary garden [title page] |
 | 飲冰室叢著 | Collected works from the ice drinker's studio |
 | 飲冰室叢著 | Collected works from the ice drinker's studio |
 | 清封一品夫人章太夫人行狀 | A brief sketch of Lady Tai Furen by the wife of a Qing high offici |
 | 清封一品夫人章太夫人行狀 | A brief sketch of Lady Tai Furen by the wife of a Qing high offici |
 | 清封一品夫人章太夫人行狀 | A brief sketch of Lady Tai Furen by the wife of a Qing high offici |
 | 竹溪雜述 | Miscellaneous writings Zhu Xi |
 | 小說 | Fiction [title page] |
 | 小說月報七卷第十號出版 | Fiction monthly vol. seven number ten |
 | 小說 | Fiction [title page] |
 | 機聲燈影 | The machine of sound and light |
 | 機聲燈影 | The machine of sound and light |
 | 機聲燈影 | The machine of sound and light |
 | 機聲燈影 | The machine of sound and light |
 | 機聲燈影 | The machine of sound and light |
 | 機聲燈影 | The machine of sound and light |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 母也天只 | O mother O Heaven |
 | 玉京餘韻(續) | Afterglow in Yu jing (continued) |
 | 玉京餘韻(續) | Afterglow in Yu jing (continued) |
 | 玉京餘韻(續) | Afterglow in Yu jing (continued) |
 | 玉京餘韻(續) | Afterglow in Yu jing (continued) |
 | 慕凡女兒傳卷下(續) | Biography of Miss Mufan (last section) (continued) |
 | 慕凡女兒傳卷下(續) | Biography of Miss Mufan (last section) (continued) |
 | 慕凡女兒傳卷下(續) | Biography of Miss Mufan (last section) (continued) |
 | 慕凡女兒傳卷下(續) | Biography of Miss Mufan (last section) (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) | The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci) (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) | The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci) (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) | The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci) (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) | The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci) (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) | The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci) (continued) |
 | 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) | The record of serious frost and clear ice (tan ci) (continued) |
 | 來鴻去燕 | Wandering aimlessly |
 | 雜俎 | Miscellaneous collection [title page] |
 | 雜俎 | Miscellaneous collection [titlepage] |
 | 畫片大徵集 | Collection of images |
 | 閨秀詩話 | Poetry by a lady |
 | 閨秀詩話 | Poetry by a lady |
 | 閨秀詩話 | Poetry by a lady |
 | 閨秀詩話 | Poetry by a lady |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
 | 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
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 | 餘興 | Entertainment [title page] |
 | 餘興 | Entertainment [title page] |
 | 說部 | Collected works |
 | 學校遊戲法(續) | School experiment methods (continued) |
 | 學校遊戲法(續) | School experiment methods (continued) |
 | 學校遊戲法(續) | School experiment methods (continued) |
 | 學校遊戲法(續) | School experiment methods (continued) |
 | 學校遊戲法(續) | School experiment methods (continued) |
 | 學校遊戲法(續) | School experiment methods (continued) |
 | 算學遊戲(續) | Mathematic games (continued) |
 | A | A |
 | B | B |
 | C | C |
 | 算學遊戲(續) | Mathematic games (continued) |
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 | 文藝叢刻五種:宋元戲曲史/梨園佳話/西洋演劇史/讀畫戟略/小說叢考 | Five collected arts books: History of Song Yuan opera/Beautiful words from the Li garden/ History of foreign plays/Record of Paintings/ A study of fiction |
 | 各種小說 | All types of fiction |
 | 辭源 | Dictionary |
 | 辭源 | Dictionary |
 | 運動用品 | Exercise goods |
 | 運動用品 | Sports equipment |
 | 各種名勝寫真 | Portraits of various famous sites |
 | | The Ladies' Journal |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸 | Dr. Williams' pills for pale people |
 | 西醫董曲五之幼女末育以前如何情形 | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People |