| 下圖: 全體女運動員在大會開會時情形 | below: all the sportswomen having a meeting |
 | 上圖:全體女運動會出場情形 | top: all the sportswomen joining the athletic meet |
 | (下) 開會時全體運動員參加典禮 | below: all the sportswomen joining the ceremony |
 | (上) 主席台下的女運動員 | top: sportswomen in front of the stage |
 | 婦女 | Women |
 | 玲瓏圖畫婦女雜誌 | Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine |
 | 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
 | 從女子體育看到女子將來的命運 | seeing the future fates of women through women's sports |
 | 從女子體育看到女子將來的命運 | seeing the future fates of women through women's sports |
 | 男子是什麼 | who are men |
 | 上海女學生參加全市中學運動會之成績 | the result of the games joined by girls students in Shanghai at the high school's athelete fair of the city |
 | 上海女學生參加全市中學運動會之成績 | the result of the games joined by girls students in Shanghai at the high school's athelete fair of the city |
 | 韓國抗日女英雄 | a Korean heroine who fights against the Japanese |
 | 妻子怎樣稱呼丈夫 | how do wives call their husbands? |
 | 妻子怎樣稱呼丈夫 | how do wives call their husbands? |
 | 怎樣才使腳成美觀? | Tips for Leg Beauty |
 | 怎樣才使腳成美觀? | Tips for Leg Beauty |
 | 定戶注意 | to subscribers |
 | 怎樣對付情敵(上) | how to deal with rivals in love |
 | [No caption] | |
 | [No caption] | |
 | 旅途的荊棘─當心不相識的男子─ | thistles and thorns on the way-beware of strange men- |
 | 旅途的荊棘─當心不相識的男子─ | thistles and thorns on the way-beware of strange men- |
 | 利華皂粉 | Lux soap powder |
 | 利華皂粉 | Lux soap powder |
 | 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
 | 還不是結婚的時候 | It's not the right time to get married |
 | 還不是結婚的時候 | It's not the right time to get married |
 | 還不是結婚的時候 | It's not the right time to get married |
 | 案件評述 | Comment on Law Cases |
 | 和尚兒子亂倫 | the son of a monk committed incest |
 | 和尚兒子亂倫 | the son of a monk committed incest |
 | 夢的謎 | riddles in the dreams |
 | 上圖女子五十米起點 | top: the starting point of the women's 50 meters |
 | 下圖女子百米終點 | below the terminal point of the women's one hundred meters |
 | 上左角乃女子五十米百米第一之蕭傑英,第二之計淑人 | the upper left is Xiao Jieying the champion of the women's 100 meters and Ji Shuren who won the second place |
 | 下圖跳高第一俞越先,第二周樓永 | below: Yu Yuexian the champion of the high jump, Zhou Louyong who won the second place |
 | 標槍第一華東沈嫣 | The champion of the javelin, Shen Yan from Huadong |
 | 個人總分第一之蕭傑英女士 | Ms. Xiao Jieying scored the highest |
 | 上圖吳梅仙跳遠第一 | the upper picture: Wu Meixian the champion of the long jump |
 | 左圖錢行素二百米第一 | left: Qian Xingsu the champion of 200 meters |
 | (右) 愛國女學隊 | (right) the Aiguo Girls' School team |
 | (下) 中國女體師隊 | (below) The Chinese Girl's Sports Academy |
 | 華東隊 | The Huadong team |
 | 兩江隊 | the Liangjiang team |
 | 小小童子軍胡耀祖。年僅六歲,亦來會場服務,為上海五育體育會最小之童子軍。 | the little boy scout Hu Yaozu who helped at the athlete meet. He is only 6 years old, the youngest boy scout of the Shanghai Wuyu athlete meet. |
 | 三位的漂亮女運動指導。(左) 張華珍 (兩江) , (中)秦麗華 (東南),(右)高君珠 (兩江) | Three beautiful coaches. (Left) Zhang Huazhen(Liangjiang), (middle) Qin Lihua (Dongnan), (right) Gao Junzhu (Liangjiang) |
 | 常識 | Common knowledge |
 | 出外旅行的常識 | common knowledge of traveling |
 | 出外旅行的常識 | common knowledge of traveling |
 | 吃法的改良 | change the table manners |
 | 羊肉去騷法 | a way to rid off the smell of lamb |
 | 鮮菓久藏法 (上) | ways to preserve fruits (Part One) |
 | 便宜的燈心 | a kind of cheaper lampwick |
 | 月月紅,女界寶 | China Rose, women's treasure |
 | 月月紅, 女界寶 | China Rose, women's treasure |
 | 月月紅, 女界寶 | China Rose, women's treasure |
 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 女有外遇 | a woman having extramarital relations |
 | 廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement |
 | 女有外遇 | a woman having extramarital relations |
 | 定報價目 | The subscription price |
 | 一個百米跑到終點時 | at the terminal point of the hundred meters |
 | 女甲組鉛球第一盛璧擲球 | Sheng Bi, the women's shot put champion |
 | 培明俞越先跳高 | Yu Yuexian of the Peiping Girls' School took the initiation to jump |
 | 短跑出場前準被挖土 | dugging the earth before the sprint started |
 | 本刊為婦女唯一之喉舌 | our magazine is the only mouthpiece of women |
 | 中國女體師之舞操 | The dance and gymnastic of the Chinese Girl's Sport Academy |
 | 中國女體師之舞步 | The Dance of the Chinese Girls' Sport Academy |
 | 中國女體師之團體操 | The Chinese Girls' Gymnastics |
 | 兩江體師團之體操 | The Gymnastics of the Liangjiang Sport's Academy |
 | 本刊為婦女唯一之喉舌 | our magazine is the only mouthpiece of women |
 | 兩江體師團之體操 | The Gymnastics of the Liangjiang Sport's Academy |
 | 東南女體師之舞操 | The Dance of Southeast Girls' Academy |
 | 東南女體師之步舞 | The Southest Girls' Sport's Academy |
 | 中國女體師之舞操 | The Dance of the Chinese Girls' Sport Academy |
 | 江南女體師之舞步 | The Dance of the Jiangnan Girls' Sport's Academy |
 | 最強健的幾位東南運動員 | the strongest Atheletes from the Southeast Sport's Academy |
 | 腿部發達健美當然要日常練習。左圖乃東南女生之健康的腿。 | In order to have healthy legs, one should have trainings every day. The left are the healthy legs of the girls at the Southest Sports Academy. |
 | 在帳棚中休息之光華女生 | The Guanghua Girls resting in the tents |
 | 出場比賽之前一位大腿吃老酒的女運動員(準備) | The female atheletes having old wines (preparing) |
 | 民立女子排球隊全體 | the members of the Minlin Girls' volley ball team |
 | 參加表演,比賽情形 | Joining the show. Playing the game. |
 | 下圖五十米第三兩江陳白雪被收音攝影時情形 | Chen Baixue who won the third place in the 50 meters being shot by the camera |
 | 上圖拍攝僑光中學得鉛球第一之陳榴珍女士擲球之姿勢 | above is Ms. Chen Liuzhen, the champion of shot put. |
 | 黎莉莉被光華的女運動員包圍了起來。排右至左康甯康或,前排(右至左)康彤、黎莉莉、康彰。 | Li Lili is surrounded by female atheletes. From right to lest are Kang Ning Kang Huo, or at the first low(from right to left) Kang Tong, Li Lili, Kang Zhang. |
 | 黎明暉在人群裏 | Li Minghui in the crowd |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine |
 | 姐妹們,看過"玲瓏"如果滿意,請即介紹給你的親友,必受歡迎的。 | sisters, if you are satisfied with Linglong after reading it, please introduce it to your relatives and friends, it will surely be popular. |
 | 國貨ABC 雨衣 | Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat |
 | 國貨ABC 雨衣 | Domestic Manufactured ABC Rain Coat |
 | 賣花女 | young female flower vendors |
 | 賣花女 | young female flower vendors |
 | 嬌滴 指甲水拭淨水 | Joy Dip Nail Remover |
 | 嬌滴 指甲水拭淨水 | Joy Dip Nail Remover |
 | 她覺悟了 | her awakening |
 | 她覺悟了 | her awakening |
 | 情書展覽 | Love Letters on Display |
 | 情書展覽 | Love Letters on Display |
 | 學校生活第一頁 | the first page of school life |
 | 詩: 紅顏薄命 | poem: a beautiful girl has an unfortunate life |
 | 外埠讀者 | Readers in other cities |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 兩種母親的教育 | two ways of educating children by the mothers |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 婦女消息(四則) | Women's News (four pieces) |
 | 兩週間中外新片優劣等級 | ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks |
 | 最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 | the newest Kodak 8mm camera |
 | 最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 | the newest Kodak 8mm camera |
 | 好萊塢花絮 | Titbits of Hollywood |
 | 好萊塢花絮 | Titbits of Hollywood |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 電影皇后與修甲女郎 | the queen of the movie stars used to be a nail cultivator |
 | 談談幾張恐怖片 | on several horror films |
 | 談談幾張恐怖片 | on several horror films |
 | 五月裏明星日記 | diaries on the lives of stars in May |
 | 國片界花絮 | Titbits of the domestic film production |
 | 國片界花絮 | Titbits of the domestic film production |
 | 幕味 | Movies |
 | 電影閒話第一講 | the first talk on movies |
 | 好運動的中國最健美明星"野玫瑰"王人美在黃克體育館內運動時攝影 | the "Wild Rose" Wang Renmei, the most healthy and beautiful Chinese star is doing exercise in the Huang Ke Stadium |
 | 小妹妹黎明暉參加本市中學運動時對運動場拍攝照片 | the little girl Li Minghui photographing the stadium at the athelete fair of our city |