| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
 | 從女子體育看到女子將來的命運 | seeing the future fates of women through women's sports |
 | 男子是什麼 | who are men |
 | 上海女學生參加全市中學運動會之成績 | the result of the games joined by girls students in Shanghai at the high school's athelete fair of the city |
 | 韓國抗日女英雄 | a Korean heroine who fights against the Japanese |
 | 妻子怎樣稱呼丈夫 | how do wives call their husbands? |
 | 怎樣才使腳成美觀? | Tips for Leg Beauty |
 | 怎樣對付情敵(上) | how to deal with rivals in love |
 | 旅途的荊棘─當心不相識的男子─ | thistles and thorns on the way-beware of strange men- |
 | 還不是結婚的時候 | It's not the right time to get married |
 | 和尚兒子亂倫 | the son of a monk committed incest |
 | 夢的謎 | riddles in the dreams |
 | 出外旅行的常識 | common knowledge of traveling |
 | 吃法的改良 | change the table manners |
 | 羊肉去騷法 | a way to rid off the smell of lamb |
 | 鮮菓久藏法 (上) | ways to preserve fruits (Part One) |
 | 便宜的燈心 | a kind of cheaper lampwick |
 | 女有外遇 | a woman having extramarital relations |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 賣花女 | young female flower vendors |
 | 她覺悟了 | her awakening |
 | 情書展覽 | Love Letters on Display |
 | 學校生活第一頁 | the first page of school life |
 | 詩: 紅顏薄命 | poem: a beautiful girl has an unfortunate life |
 | 兩種母親的教育 | two ways of educating children by the mothers |
 | 婦女消息(四則) | Women's News (four pieces) |
 | 兩週間中外新片優劣等級 | ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks |
 | 好萊塢花絮 | Titbits of Hollywood |
 | 電影皇后與修甲女郎 | the queen of the movie stars used to be a nail cultivator |
 | 談談幾張恐怖片 | on several horror films |
 | 五月裏明星日記 | diaries on the lives of stars in May |
 | 國片界花絮 | Titbits of the domestic film production |
 | 電影閒話第一講 | the first talk on movies |