| 愛國女校任修羣女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Ren Xiuqun from Patriotic Girls' School |
 | 蘇卡洛同巴萊腦頓正在享受他們青春甜密的夢 | Sue Carroll and Barry Norton are enjoying their youthful and sweet dreams |
 | 放課之後看書做做針線。是現代學生的消遣 | Reading books and doing needlework after school are pastimes of modern students |
 | 摩登男子結交女子的標準 | Modern men's standard for making friends with women |
 | 良朋好友於明媚春天駕小舟遊蕩於湖中興緻極濃 | Good friends rowing a boat in the lake on a fine spring day, in a good mood to enjoy |
 | 露腿發生問題 | Troubles caused by showing one's legs |
 | 復旦女生李漢文李漢初合影 | Group photograph of Li Hanwen and Li Hanchu, female students from Fudan University |
 | 露腿發生問題 | Troubles caused by showing one's legs |
 | 笑容可掬之郭雪芳女士現肄業於愛國女校 | Smiling Ms Guo Xuefang who studies now in Patriotic Girls' School |
 | 御夫術 | Tips for manipulating your husband |
 | 閨秀閒暇之時約友攝影至以為樂 | Young ladies take photos with friends in free time for enjoyment |
 | 御夫術 | Tips for manipulating your husband |
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 | 女子浴水的方單 | Recipe for women's bath water |
 | 攝影畫報 | Pictorial Weekly |
 | 女子浴水的方單 | Recipe for women's bath water |
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 | 男性使我們榮虛 | Men make us vain |
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 | 她與他 | She and He |
 | 春宵之月夜 | A Moonlit Night in Spring |
 | 出嫁 (續) | Getting married (continued) |
 | 摩登居室的佈置 | Arrangement of modern living room |
 | 上圖係房屋外之觀, 左圖乃房中之佈置 | The picture above is the exterior look of a house, and the left one is the interior arrangement |
 | 摩登居室的佈置 | Arrangement of modern living room |
 | 挽回失戀 | Salvaging a broken relationship |
 | (下圖) 她認為最榮耀的事, 男子為她而吃醋 | (Picture below) In her thought, the most glorious thing is that men become jealous because of her |
 | 敷粉亦有藝術 (續) | Applying powder is also an art (continued) |
 | 閨秀影集 | Album of elegant ladies |
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 | 新女子應有之準備 (續) | New women's essential preparation (continued) |
 | 今年的杭游 | Trip to Hangzhou this year |
 | 杭州西湖渡船遊客僱舟遊湖之攝影 | Photo taken when tourists rent ferries on the Western Lake of Hangzhou |
 | 赴宴會的禮節 | The etiquette of attending a banquet |
 | 赴宴會的禮節 | The etiquette of attending a banquet |
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 | 一九三一的我 | Me in 1931 |
 | 婦女電報 | Women's telegrams |
 | 婦女電報 | Women's telegrams |
 | 快快預定,過期加價 | Subscribe quickly, after this period the price will go up |
 | 三和公司為服務而創辦信託部 | Sanhe company has founded the trust department for serving people |
 | 本刊啟事 | Announcement of our magazine |
 | 獎品一千元 | 1000 yuan prize |
 | 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Linloon Magazine |
 | 她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊 | She is unhappy and absent-minded, while he is weak and tired |
 | 定報價目 | The subscription price |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
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 | 巴黎藝美鏡架 | Paris Yimei photo frames |
 | 按期刊載以便查核節氣及望朔 | Carried in each issue in order to check Chinese traditional solar terms and phases of the moon |
 | 對光攝影之秘訣 | The secret of backlight photography |
 | 朝陽 對光攝影之舉例 | Morning sun - an example of backlight photography |
 | 幽谷仙鄉 | Sleepy Valley |
 | 琵麗朵芙與本埠孔雀公司華經理陈君在美之合影 | Group photograph of Billie Dove and Mr Chen, the Chinese manager of the local Peacock company, in the United States |
 | 你懂得化裝馬? | Do you know about make-up? |
 | 珍妮蓋諾就師習吻 | Janet Gaynor finds a teacher to learn about kissing |
 | 珍妮蓋諾與却爾斯法雷吻的神情 | The facial expressions of Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell whey they are kissing |
 | 銀星之吻 | Movie stars' kisses |
 | 銀星之吻 | Movie stars' kisses |
 | 鐵板生活 | "Steely" Life |
 | 鐵板明星之鐵板午膳 | An "steely" star's "steely" lunch |
 | 你所希望知道的 | What you want to know |
 | 吉爾勃夫婦儷影 | Beautiful photograph of the Gilbert couple |
 | 春眠 | Spring nap |
 | 春眠的一顆熱星 | A hot star taking a spring nap |
 | 好萊塢的電影家庭 | Hollywood's movie family |
 | 惱麥希拉與其眞丈夫愛文泰拔最近攝影 | Latest photo of Norma Shearer and her real husband Irving Thalberg |
 | 好萊塢的電影家庭 | Hollywood's movie family |
 | 盛行於電影明星的半裸新裝 | The half-naked new dress which is very popular among movie stars |
 | 卓別麟在城市之光中 | Charlie Chaplin in "City Lights" |
 | 卓別麟的幸運之神 | Charlie Chaplin's god of fortune |
 | 娛樂 提倡社會高尚娛樂 | Enterntainment - encouraging tasteful entertainment in society |
 | 王秦兩女士頗負盛名於中西女塾 | Ms Wang and Ms Qin, having an extremely high reputation at the Chinese-Western (Zhongxi) Girls' School |
 | 四目相對擁抱熱烈是固銀幕動人之表演也 | Staring at each other, embracing each other tightly, it is really a touching performance on the screen |