| 秦麗華女士最近之玉影 | Recent precious photo of Ms Qin Lihua |
 | 務本女校三十周紀念開會時之情形演說者為市教育局局長徐珮璜 | The scene of the meeting commemorating the thirtieth week of Wuben girls' school. The speaker is the director of the civic education bureau, Xu Peihuang |
 | 預告 | Advance notice |
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 | 全國女生應加入義勇軍 | Female students throughout the country should join the army of volunteers |
 | 第三十五期要目 | Important contents of issue thirty-five |
 | 全國女生應加入義勇軍 | Female students throughout the country should join the army of volunteers |
 | 我為什麼要出嫁 - 要離開家庭 | Why do I get married? To leave home. |
 | 務本女校卅周紀念日女子義勇軍兵操時之攝影 | Photo of the drill of women's army of volunteers taken on the commemoration day of the thirthieth week of Wuben girls' school |
 | 擇偶的條件 | Prerequisites for choosing a spouse |
 | 務本女子義勇軍兵操步伐極為整齊 | Wuben women's army of volunteers march in step at the drill |
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 | 擇偶的條件 | Prerequisites for choosing a spouse |
 | 務本女子義勇軍營長排長排副全體攝影 | The group photo of battalion commanders, platoon leaders, and platoon deputy leaders of Wuben women's army of volunteers |
 | 欲補本刊者注意 | Notice for those who want to subscribe our magazine afterwards |
 | 妻與夫 | Wife and husband |
 | 女子義勇軍之威風凜凜 | The awe-inspiring appearance of women's army of volunteers |
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 | 妻與夫 | Wife and husband |
 | 務本女子義勇軍營副韋毓梅女士 | Ms Wei Yumei, the battalion deputy commander of Wuben women's army of volunteers |
 | 讀者若購日貨七日之內必有不如意之事 | Readers, if you buy Japanese products, something bad will definitely will definitely happen to you within seven days |
 | 下層的婦女 | Women of the lower class |
 | 清華大學女子軍事救護隊之操練 | The drill of women's first-aid army of Qinghua university |
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 | 下層的婦女 | Women of the lower class |
 | 陷阱 | Trap |
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 | 務本女校三十周紀念該校義勇軍在公共體育場練習快步之情形 | The scene of the army of volunteers practising half step on the public athletic field on thecommemoration day of the thirtieth week of Wuben girls' school |
 | 圍巾與長旗袍 | Scarf and long cheongsam |
 | 圍巾與長旗袍 | Scarf and long cheongsam |
 | 女子與軍事訓練 | Women and military training |
 | 救護創傷術 | How to give first-aid to wound |
 | 新相術 | New physiognomy |
 | 嗜飲巧克力蘇打水之安聶泰琪 | Anita Page who likes drinking chocolate soda |
 | 火電灼傷的急救法 | First-aid for electrical and thermal burns |
 | 烹調術 | Cookery |
 | 摩登的西餐枱純系玻璃製成極為清潔 | Modern western-style dinner table, completely made of glass, very clean |
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 | 漢倫豔容洗面露,漢倫豔容洗面粉,漢倫豔容霜 | Hanlun washing liquid for beautiful face, Hanlun washing powder for beautiful face, Hanlun cream for beautiful face |
 | 王開照相館 | Wang Kai photo studio |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Candigrome) |
 | 逸園 | Leasure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 烹調術 | Cookery |
 | 廢物利用(中) | The utilization of waste products (part two) |
 | 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine |
 | 日本對華侵略年表 - 自前清同治十年起,分四大時期 | Chronology of Japanese invasion of China - it is divided into four major periods beginning from the tenth year of theTongzhi Era of the former Qing dynasty |
 | 日本對華侵略年表 - 自前清同治十年起,分四大時期 | Chronology of Japanese invasion of China - it is divided into four major periods beginning from the tenth year of theTongzhi Era of the former Qing dynasty |
 | 妊娠第二個月(續) | The second month of pregnancy (continued) |
 | 英雄與美人 | Hero and beauty |
 | 英雄與美人 | Hero and beauty |
 | 矮克發洋行 | Agfa foreign firm |
 | Agfa | |
 | 矮克發軟片,必利捲片鏡箱,摩維克斯旅行家庭影片機 | Agfa soft film, Bili rolling-film mirror box, Moweikesi camera for travel and family |
 | 培根生髮香水 | Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic |
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 | 培根生髮香水 | Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic |
 | 虛榮殺人 | Vanity killed a person |
 | 廣告價目 | The advertisement price |
 | 案件評述, | Comment on Law Cases |
 | 虛榮殺人 | Vanity killed a person |
 | 效法愛迪生 | Follow the example of Edison |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 家庭教育 | Domestic education |
 | 禁止兒童買食物 | Forbid your kids to buy food |
 | 兒童精神上的指導(續) | Mental instruction for children (continued) |
 | 母子之愛 | Love between mother and son |
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 | 小弟弟也投入海軍抗日去 | Little younger brother also joins the navy and fight the Japanese |
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 | 三位活潑的小姊妹 | Three lively little sisters |
 | 樂園中的微笑 | Smile in the garden of pleasure |
 | 機關槍 | Machine gun |
 | 玲瓏醬油 | Linglong soy sauce |
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 | 火電灼傷的急救法 | First-aid for electrical and thermal burns |
 | 全國女子田徑最高紀錄 | The best records in the national women's track and field |
 | 莫忘關外慘狀,永遠不買日貨 | Don't forget the miserable sight outside Shanhaiguan Pass, never buy Japanese products |
 | 滑稽大王的孝思(待續) | The filial piety of the king of humor |
 | 此圖的女子因為泌黏液腺.與常人不同.致身體異常肥胖、右圖為世界最小之人.高二十六英寸.重祗二十五磅 | Because the mucous gland of the woman in this picture is different from that of normal people, so her body is unusually fat. In the picture left is the smallest person in the world with a height of twenty-six inches and a weight of only twenty-five pounds |
 | 滑稽大王的孝思(待續) | The filial piety of the king of humor |
 | 熱女郎克萊拉寶最近攝影 | Recent photo of the hot lady Clara Bow |
 | 永遠抵制日貨,便得最後勝利 | Boycott Japanese products forever, so we will gain the final victory |
 | 電影與結婚 | Film and marriage |
 | 電影女星陶理開尼盎之嬌容 | The tender look of the femal movie star Taolikainiang |
 | 電影與結婚 | Film and marriage |
 | 女星愛司脫推漏深信真愛可以永遠拿住男子 | Female star Aisituoweilou deeply believes that true love could hold a man forever |
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 | 如此家庭(續) | Such family (continued) |
 | 梁賽珍女士游杭時之留影 | Souvenir photo of Ms Liang Saizhen when she's taking a trip in Hangzhou |
 | 如此家庭(續) | Such family (continued) |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 梅克拉克善舞蹈 | Meikelake is good at dancing |
 | 拍拉蒙脫女星卡門彭司近影 | Recent photo of Carmen Barnes, the Paramount female star |