| 全國女生應加入義勇軍 | Female students throughout the country should join the army of volunteers |
 | 第三十五期要目 | Important contents of issue thirty-five |
 | 我為什麼要出嫁 - 要離開家庭 | Why do I get married? To leave home. |
 | 擇偶的條件 | Prerequisites for choosing a spouse |
 | 妻與夫 | Wife and husband |
 | 下層的婦女 | Women of the lower class |
 | 陷阱 | Trap |
 | 圍巾與長旗袍 | Scarf and long cheongsam |
 | 女子與軍事訓練 | Women and military training |
 | 救護創傷術 | How to give first-aid to wound |
 | 新相術 | New physiognomy |
 | 火電灼傷的急救法 | First-aid for electrical and thermal burns |
 | 烹調術 | Cookery |
 | 廢物利用(中) | The utilization of waste products (part two) |
 | 日本對華侵略年表 - 自前清同治十年起,分四大時期 | Chronology of Japanese invasion of China - it is divided into four major periods beginning from the tenth year of theTongzhi Era of the former Qing dynasty |
 | 妊娠第二個月(續) | The second month of pregnancy (continued) |
 | 英雄與美人 | Hero and beauty |
 | 虛榮殺人 | Vanity killed a person |
 | 效法愛迪生 | Follow the example of Edison |
 | 家庭教育 | Domestic education |
 | 禁止兒童買食物 | Forbid your kids to buy food |
 | 兒童精神上的指導(續) | Mental instruction for children (continued) |
 | 機關槍 | Machine gun |
 | 全國女子田徑最高紀錄 | The best records in the national women's track and field |
 | 滑稽大王的孝思(待續) | The filial piety of the king of humor |
 | 電影與結婚 | Film and marriage |
 | 如此家庭(續) | Such family (continued) |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |