| 婦女雜誌第四卷第九號 | Funu zazhi, volume four, issue nine |
| 杭縣丁希周女士畫風木庵圖 | A painting of a rustic wooden hut scene by Mrs. Ding Xizhou from Hang county |
| 杭縣丁月如女士畫風木庵圖 | A painting of a rustic wooden hut scene by Mrs. Ding Yueru from Hang county |
| 杭縣王韻樓女士畫風木庵圖 | A painting of a rustic wooden hut scene by Mrs. Wang Yunlou from Hang county |
| 杭縣丁澹軒女士畫風木庵圖 | A painting of a rustic wooden hut scene by Mrs. Ding Danxuan from Hang county |
| 社說 | Editorial |
| 學藝 | Learning and skills |
| 婦女十五分鐘之體操(續四卷六號) | 15 minute workout for women |
| 家政 | Home economics |
| 家政 | Home economics |
| 紀述 | Records |
| 記述門 | Records |
| 文苑 | Literary garden |
| 文苑 | Literary garden |
| 小說 | Fiction |
| 小說 | Fiction |
| 第一圖 | Image one--canon |
| 第一圖 | Picture one |
| 第二圖 | Image two |
| 第二圖 | Second picture |
| | no caption--figures in a landscape |
| 國文範作 | Exemplary essays |
| 雜俎 | Miscellaneous collection |
| 餘興 | Entertainment |
| 第一圖,第二圖 | Figure one, figure two |
| 第三圖,第四圖 | Figure three, figure four |
| 第五圖第六圖 | Figure five, figure six |
| 第七圖,第八圖 | Figure seven, figure eight |
| 第九圖,第十圖 | Figure nine, figure ten |
| | no caption--monkeys and snake |
| | no caption--firemen at work |
| | no caption--procession of people |
| | no caption--altar |