| 婦女雜誌第四卷第八號 | Funu zazhi volume 4, issue 8 |
 | 歙縣吳杏芬女士畫花果蟲魚扇面 | A fan painting of flowers, fruits, insects, and fish by Mrs. Wu Xingfen from She county |
 | 歙縣吳杏芬女士畫幽澗猿啼扇面 | A fan painting of a secluded stream with monkeys calling out by Mrs. Wu Xingfen from She county |
 | 歙縣吳杏芬女士畫天中五瑞扇面 | A fan painting by Mrs. Wu Xingfen from She county: five days in Switerland |
 | 英國女軍士在俱樂部休息室中行樂圖 | British army women enjoying themselves at their club lounge |
 | 社說 | Editorial |
 | 學藝 | Learning and skils |
 | | no caption--shapes with matches |
 | | no caption--shapes with matches |
 | | no caption--shapes with matches |
 | 家政 | Home economics |
 | 紀述 | Records |
 | 文苑 | Literary garden |
 | 朱母沈太夫人 | Mrs. Zhumu Shen |
 | 小說 | Fiction |
 | | no caption woman in a landscape |
 | | no caption-- woman with child in landscape |
 | | mosquito |
 | 蚊卵 | mosquito eggs |
 | 蛹 | Mosquito pupa |
 | | Mosquito |
 | | no cpation |
 | | no caption |