Funü zazhi
No. 008 (31 July, 1918)
Pages available: 1 - 168 (168 total)
婦女雜誌第四卷第八號 Funu zazhi volume 4, issue 8
歙縣吳杏芬女士畫花果蟲魚扇面 A fan painting of flowers, fruits, insects, and fish by Mrs. Wu Xingfen from She county
歙縣吳杏芬女士畫幽澗猿啼扇面 A fan painting of a secluded stream with monkeys calling out by Mrs. Wu Xingfen from She county
歙縣吳杏芬女士畫天中五瑞扇面 A fan painting by Mrs. Wu Xingfen from She county: five days in Switerland
英國女軍士在俱樂部休息室中行樂圖 British army women enjoying themselves at their club lounge
社說 Editorial
界的母職譯美國母範雜誌 The world of motherhood (The Mother's magazine an American magazine)
界的母職譯美國母範雜誌 The world of motherhood (The Mother's magazine an American magazine)
界的母職譯美國母範雜誌 The world of motherhood (The Mother's magazine an American magazine)
界的母職譯美國母範雜誌 The world of motherhood (The Mother's magazine an American magazine)
女權平議 Feminist Ping Yi
女權平議 Feminist Ping Yi
女權平議 Feminist Ping Yi
女權平議 Feminist Ping Yi
論今日中國婚姻之改良 Discussing today's Japanese-Chinese changes to marriage
論今日中國婚姻之改良 Discussing today's Japanese-Chinese changes to marriage
學藝 Learning and skils
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
no caption--shapes with matches
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
no caption--shapes with matches
家庭科學火柴 Home sience: Matches
no caption--shapes with matches
美目之簡便法〔譯自〕The Most Famous Living Beauty A simple technique for beautiful eyes
美目之簡便法〔譯自〕The Most Famous Living Beauty A simple technique for beautiful eyes
檢試演算正誤巧法 Method
檢試演算正誤巧法 Method
檢試演算正誤巧法 Method
檢試演算正誤巧法 Method
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
實驗春蠶飼育法(續四卷六號) Methods of experimental silkworm rearing: (continued from vol. 4 issue 6)
癯庵食譜(續) Recipes from the Lean Hut (continued)
癯庵食譜(續) Recipes from the Lean Hut (continued)
癯庵食譜(續) Recipes from the Lean Hut (continued)
美容談(續) Chats on beauty (continued)
美容談(續) Chats on beauty (continued)
美容談(續) Chats on beauty (continued)
美容談(續) Chats on beauty (continued)
新達生篇(續四卷六號) New Da Sheng publication (continued)
新達生篇(續四卷六號) New Da Sheng publication (continued)
新達生篇(續四卷六號) New Da Sheng publication (continued)
新達生篇(續四卷六號) New Da Sheng publication (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家庭藥物學(續) Household Pharmacology (continued)
家政 Home economics
夏日清涼飲品食之研究 Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks
夏日清涼飲品食之研究 Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks
夏日清涼飲品食之研究 Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks
夏日清涼飲品食之研究 Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks
家庭衛生叢談 摘譯美國衛生雜誌 Collected writings on home hygiene
家庭衛生叢談 摘譯美國衛生雜誌 Collected writings on home hygiene
家庭衛生叢談 摘譯美國衛生雜誌 Collected writings on home hygiene
家庭衛生叢談 摘譯美國衛生雜誌 Collected writings on home hygiene
家庭科學扇 Home science: fans
家庭科學扇 Home science: fans
教育智識偏蔽者當如何乎: 譯美國母範雜誌 How to partically cover education ? Translation from American model mother magazine
教育智識偏蔽者當如何乎: 譯美國母範雜誌 How to partically cover education ? Translation from American model mother magazine
教育智識偏蔽者當如何乎: 譯美國母範雜誌 How to partically cover education ? Translation from American model mother magazine
母教叢談 Collection of mother's teachings (continued)
母教叢談 Collection of mother's teachings (continued)
家庭看護學(續) The study of home nursing (continued)
家庭看護學(續) The study of home nursing (continued)
家庭看護學(續) The study of home nursing (continued)
家庭看護學(續) The study of home nursing (continued)
家庭看護學(續) The study of home nursing (continued)
婦人之衛生(續) Women and hygiene (continued)
婦人之衛生(續) Women and hygiene (continued)
婦人之衛生(續) Women and hygiene (continued)
紀述 Records
金陵遊記 Travelogue from Jinling
金陵遊記 Travelogue from Jinling
金陵遊記 Travelogue from Jinling
金陵遊記 Travelogue from Jinling
金陵遊記 Travelogue from Jinling
讀江南刺繡之一斑書後 After reading a book on the embroidery of Jiangnan
讀江南刺繡之一斑書後 Some thoughts after reading "An Overview of embroidery in Jiangnan"
讀江南刺繡之一斑書後 After reading a book on the embroidery of Jiangnan
陳烈女殉夫事略 A short biographical sketch of the model wife Chen who sacrificed her life
讀江南刺繡之一斑書後 Some thoughts after reading "An Overview of embroidery in Jiangnan"
歐美女學生之夏季生活: 譯女學世界 European and American female students' summer lifestyles: translated from Female Student world
歐美女學生之夏季生活: 譯女學世界 European and American female students' summer lifestyles: translated from Female Student world
歐美女學生之夏季生活: 譯女學世界 European and American female students' summer lifestyles: translated from Female Student world
文苑 Literary garden
朱母沈太夫人誄 Eulogy for Mrs. Zhumu Shen
朱母沈太夫人 Mrs. Zhumu Shen
朱母沈太夫人誄 Eulogy for Mrs. Zhumu Shen
小說 Fiction
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
no caption woman in a landscape
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
紀念 To remember
no caption-- woman with child in landscape
蚊之自述 My own account of mosquitos
蚊之自述 My own account of mosquitos
蚊之自述 My own account of mosquitos
蚊卵 mosquito eggs
蚊之自述 My own account of mosquitos
Mosquito pupa
蚊之自述 My own account of mosquitos
理想中之家庭 Amid the ideal family
理想中之家庭 Amid the ideal family
理想中之家庭 Amid the ideal family
理想中之家庭 Amid the ideal family
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
no cpation
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
瓶中之書(續) Book in a vase (continued)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
哀梨記彈詞(續) Remembering a lament to a pear (tan ci)
no caption
說呂刑 On theory of Lu xing
說呂刑 On theory of Lu xing
論學藝會之主旨 Discussing the main ideas of the Arts Society
論學藝會之主旨 Discussing the main ideas of the Arts Society
同學殷淑祭文 Funeral speech for fellow student Yin Shu
閨秀詩話 Poetry by ladies (continued)
閨秀詩話 Poetry by ladies (continued)
閨秀詩話 Poetry by ladies (continued)
閨秀詩話 Poetry by ladies (continued)
日用常識 Common sense
日用常識 Common sense
童話 Fairy tale
童話 Fairy tale
童話 Fairy tale
童話 Fairy tale
家庭新遊戲(續) New household experiments (continued)
家庭新遊戲(續) New household experiments (continued)
家庭新遊戲(續) New household experiments (continued)
家庭新遊戲(續) New household experiments (continued)
家庭新遊戲(續) New household experiments (continued)
家庭笑話 Family jokes